Conference Information
BSidesBud 2019: BSides Budapest IT Security Conference
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Conference Date:
Budapest, Hungary
Viewed: 6627   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
BSides Budapest is soliciting papers and presentations for the 2019 BSides Budapest IT security conference.


BSides is a community-driven framework for building events for and by information security community members.

The goal is to expand the spectrum of conversation beyond the traditional confines of space and time. It creates opportunities for individuals to both presents and participates in an intimate atmosphere that encourages collaboration.

It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction with participants. It is where conversations for the next-big-thing are happening.


We are most interested in new presentations, but important updates on existing work are welcome. We are also interested in presentations from new faces, therefore, we encourage any individual who has not spoken at a conference before to submit a talk and attempt to make BSides Budapest their inaugural event.

NOTE: BSides Budapest does not accept product or vendor related pitches. If your talk is a camouflaged advertisement for a new product or service your company is offering, please do not apply.


As BSidesBUD is a low-cost conference, we cannot reimburse the travel/accommodation expenses of our speakers, but we will invite them to a speakers dinner the day before the conference. Speakers will also be provided with a fancy BSidesBUD speaker T-shirt and a special gift-package from us. Speaking at BSidesBUD means professional prestige as you can share the stage with great presenters and IT-security experts, and it is also a good opportunity to start your speaker career. If you are coming from abroad, BSidesBUD is a great destination, because Budapest is one of the most beautiful capitals of Central and Eastern Europe, you can stay here after the event to check out our beautiful city.


BSides Budapest presentations should be focused on topics that are of interest to IT security and technology professionals who are paying attention to current trends and issues. Presentations dealing with new technologies are always encouraged. Some examples include (but not limited to):

    Information technology
    Network security
    Mobile security
    Web Application Security
    Vulnerability research and zero days
    Penetration testing and security assessment
    Malware analysis and new trends in malicious codes
    Car/Vehicles hacking
    Virtualization and cloud computing
    Innovative attack / defense strategies
    Embedded device security / Internet of things
    Hardware hacking
    Phone phreaking


Submissions with two or more speakers are welcome at BSides Budapest.


    All presentations must be submitted by the original authors.
    Submissions should be in English or Hungarian.
    Sales pitches, advertisements, product demos will be politely rejected.

The following time slots are available and it is expected that the presenters will budget time for audience participation and Q&A within this time frame:

    Regular Talks: Regular presentation slots lengths are a fixed duration of 40 minutes.
    Light Talks: Light presentation slots lengths are a fixed duration of 20 minutes.
    Workshops: The workshops have fixed duration of 120 minutes or more and have a maximum capacity of 20 attendees.

The CFP deadline for submissions is January 15, 2019.


Submissions should be in plain text and should address the following points:

    Your preferred email address
    Are you representing anyone (yourself, company name, group name)
    The title and abstract for your presentation
    Approximate length of your presentation

Please send your submissions through the following Google Form document until January 15, 2018.


We thank you in advance for your interest and support in BSides Budapest, and all your submissions are greatly appreciated.

Please support us by spreading the word and print and place this post where you can.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-11-24
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