Conference Information
ICLL 2020: International Conference on Literature and Linguistics
Submission Date:
2020-06-05 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Paris, France
Viewed: 9286   Tracked: 1   Attend: 1

Call For Papers
ICLL  is the premier forum for the presentation of technological advances and research results in the fields of linguistics and literature. The conference is soliciting state-of-the-art research papers in the following areas of interest:

Literature and Film
Language and Power
Language and Gender
Language and the New Media
Language, Culture and Translation
New Writings in English
Women's Writings
Teaching of Language and Literature
Teaching and Learning of English as a Foreign/ Second Language
Effective Teaching Methodologies in Language and Literature Classrooms
Interdisciplinarity in Language Teaching and Learning
Assessment Practices to Language and Literature Teaching
Teaching Translation
Language and ICT
Theoretical research on forensic linguistics
Legal discourse analysis
Legal translation and courtroom interpreting
The application of forensic linguistics
Research on legal language teaching
Construction of corpus for forensic purposes
Special hardware and software for Asian language computing
Language, linguistic and speech resource development
Evaluation methods and user studies
Machine learning for natural language
Text analysis, understanding, summarization and generation
Text mining and information extraction, summarization and retrieval
Text entailment and paraphrasing
Text Sentiment analysis, opinion mining and question answering
Machine translation and multilingual processing
Linguistic, psychological and mathematical models of language, computational psycholinguistics,
computational linguistics and mathematical linguistics
Language modeling, statistical methods in natural language processing and speech processing
Spoken language processing, understanding, generation and translation
Rich transcription and spoken information retrieval
Speech recognition and synthesis
Natural language applications, tools and resources, system evaluation
Asian language learning, teaching and computer-aided language learning
NLP in vertical domains, such as biomedical, chemical and legal text
NLP on noisy unstructured text, such as email, blogs, and SMS
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-05-09
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