PPPED 2018: International Conference on Problems and Prospect of The Propulsion Engineering Development
Samara, Russia
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2018 International Conference on Problems and Prospect of The Propulsion Engineering Development (PPPED2018), in conjunction with 2018 International Conference on Aerospace Energy Systems and Power Plants (AESPP 2018) will be held in Samara, Russia during September 12- 14, 2018. This conference is aimed at Finding the most relevant areas of research and accumulating expertise in the areas of scientific investigation, design, stress–strength analysis, constructional durability and reliability, engine production and re-engineering, personnel training for aerospace industry and its other branches. We would like to invite you to join us in this important event and share your recent advance development and research finding in Problems and Prospect of The Propulsion Engineering Development to all attendees. Besides, it is also a good opportunity for you and your family to enjoy the culture and view in Samara. We are looking forward to seeing you in PPPED 2018.


Options# 1: Author can submit full paper to publish paper in IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, which will be indexed by Ei Compendex, CPCI and other academical databases.

Options# 2: Author can submit full paper to publish paper in Samara University reporter. Aerospace vehicles, technologies and machinery, which will be indexed by Russian Science Citation Index.
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CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
Journal of the Franklin Institute3.700Elsevier0016-0032
bSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences SIAM1936-4954
Molecular Simulation1.900Taylor & Francis0892-7022
cExpert Systems with Applications7.500Elsevier0957-4174
IEEE Transaction on Affective Computing IEEE1949-3045
bPattern Recognition7.500Elsevier0031-3203
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology2.100IEEE1536-125X
IEEE Journal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits2.000IEEE2329-9231
International Journal of Computational Science and EngineeringInderscience1742-7185