Conference Information
ICME 2025: International Conference on Multimedia and Expo
Submission Date:
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Conference Date:
Nantes, France
CCF: b   CORE: b   QUALIS: a1   Viewed: 220101   Tracked: 437   Attend: 135

Call For Papers
The IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME) is the flagship multimedia conference sponsored by four IEEE societies since 2000, promoting the exchange of the latest advances in multimedia technologies, systems, and applications from both research and development perspectives.

ICME 2025 will be held in Nantes, France, from June 30 to July 4, 2025.

It will bring together leading researchers and practitioners to share the latest developments and advances in the discipline. Featuring high-quality oral and poster sessions, world-class keynotes, exhibitions, demonstrations, and tutorials, the conference will attract leading researchers and global industry figures, providing excellent networking opportunities. In addition, exceptional papers and contributors will be selected and recognized with prestigious awards.

Topics of Interest

Topics of interest include (bot are not limited to):

    3D multimedia, AR/VR and immersive media
    Emerging multimedia applications and technologies
    Artificial intelligence/machine learning based multimedia
    Image and video processing
    Multimedia analysis and generation
    Multimedia communications, networking and mobility
    Multimedia databases and data mining
    Multimedia quality assessment and metrics
    Multimedia security, privacy and forensics
    Multimedia standards, trends and related research
    Multi-modal media computing, interaction, and human-machine
    Social media analysis and applications
    Speech/audio processing
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-31
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