CCWC 2025: IEEE Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
浏览: 20759   关注: 11   参加: 4

Topics and technical areas of interest include but are not limited to the following:

Track I: Computing

    Algorithms and Theory
    Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
    Big Data, Data Management and Analytics
    Biomedical Computing, Bioinformatics
    Cloud Computing and Data Center Systems
    Cloud, Cluster, Grid and P2P Computing
    Computational Intelligence
    Computer Architecture and VLSI
    Computer Graphics, Simulation and Modeling
    Computing in Management Technology
    Concurrent data structures
    Cryptography and Applied Mathematics
    Digital System and Logic Design
    Embedded distributed systems
    Energy Management and Green Computing
    File and Storage Systems
    Mobile and Wireless Computing
    Multiprocessor & multi-core architectures & algorithms
    Natural Language Processing and Machine Translation
    Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
    Pattern Recognition and Analysis
    Quantum Computing
    Robotics and Machine Vision
    Security, Trust and Privacy
    Signal and Image Processing
    Systems and Software Engineering
    Ubiquitous Computing

Track II: Communication

    Cognitive Radio and Cognitive Networks
    Communications Software
    Control Systems and Applications
    High Performance Networks and Protocols
    Human Computer Interaction and Interface
    Information Theory and Coding
    Internet measurement, modeling, and visualization
    MIMO Communications in Computer Networks
    Network Simulation and Emulation
    Optical Networks and Systems
    QoS and Resource Management
    RFID Networks and Protocols
    Satellite and Space Communications
    Sensor Networks and Embedded Systems
    Software Defined Networks and Network Programming
    Space Surveillance Techniques
    Virtual and Overlay Networks
    Wireless Communication
最后更新 Dou Sun 在 2024-11-12
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