Conference Information
RadarConf 2020: IEEE Radar Conference
Submission Date:
2020-04-27 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Florence, Italy
Viewed: 22992   Tracked: 8   Attend: 7

Call For Papers
Significant hardware advances combined with the availability of more and more sophisticated processing architectures, waveforms, and algorithms are pushing the development of innovative radars capable of satisfying the recent operational requirements in both civilian and defense domains. The international community will gather in Florence on September 21-25, 2020 to discuss and share the most recent findings in the many fields of application of radar techniques. Please, join us in this amazing city where Renaissance paved the way to the birth of modern science and to a new consideration of the role of mankind altogether. The IEEE Radar Conference is the World’s most comprehensive technical conference focused on radar techniques and applications. The 2020 edition of this conference will feature World-class speakers, tutorials, exhibits, and demo sessions.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

    Antenna Technology
    Radar Subsystems and Components
    Radar Phenomenology and Scattering
    Radar Systems
    Space-Based Radar Systems and Missions
    Space-Based/Airborne Radar Remote Sensing Applications
    Ground-Based Remote Sensing Applications
    Civilian Radar Applications

    Radar and Multisensor Tracking
    High-Resolution Radar Imaging and Classification
    Cognitive Sensing and Learning Methods
    Waveform Diversity and Design
    Multistatic and Passive Radar
    Radar Detection Theory
    ECCM and Interference Cancellation
    Radar and Sonar Signal/Data Processing
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-04-25
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