Información de la conferencia
IDS 2022: IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data and Security
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Jinan, China
Vistas: 18621   Seguidores: 7   Asistentes: 2

Solicitud de Artículos
In current era, the intelligent systems are widely deployed and investigated in many domains from the governments to industry players, from academics to consumer level demand. Therefore, the research on Intelligent data and security (IDS) is getting more and more attention due to the rapid development of computing and communication techniques. As a promising technology, high performance computing is playing an important role not only in traditional computer science domain but also in new branches such as Internet of Things, unmanned vehicles, and topics in artificial intelligent. Smart computing, as another significant aspect, provides solutions for complicated computing problems.

The 8th IEEE International Conference on intelligent data and security (IEEE IDS 2022) is a research event cooperated with a number of conferences, such as IEEE BigDataSecurity 2022 and IEEE HPSC 2022. This conference provides engineers and scientists in computing domain with an academic forum in which the new research achievements, ideas, and results are shared. The state-of-the-art intelligent data and security applications and experiences will be represented in this academic event. IEEE IDS 2020 is the next edition of a series of successful academic events, including IDS 2016 (New York, USA), IDS 2017 (Beijing, China), IDS 2018 (Omaha, USA), IDS 2019 (Washington DC, USA), IDS 2020 (Baltimore, USA) and IDS 2021 (New York, USA).

Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:

Security in new paradigms of intelligent data
Cyber hacking, next generation fire wall of intelligent data
Cyber monitoring and incident response in intelligent data
Digital forensics in intelligent data
Big data security, Database security
Intelligent database and security
Intelligent data mining in security, optimization, and cloud computing
Social engineering, insider threats, advance spear phishing
Cyber threat intelligence and implementations
Security and fault tolerance for embedded or ubiquitous systems
Cloud-based intelligent data and security issues
Tele-health security in intelligent data
Sensor network security and solutions
Embedded networks and sensor network optimizations
Cloud computing and networking models
Heterogeneous architecture for cloud-based intelligent data
Dynamic resource sharing algorithm for cloud-based intelligent data
Load balance for cloud-based intelligent data
Cloud-based audio/video streaming techniques
MapReduce techniques in intelligent data
Visualization and optimization in intelligent data
Cloud-based real-time multimedia techniques in intelligent data
Mobile cloud computing and advanced applications
Green cloud computing model, implementation, and framework
Quality of Service (QoS) improvements techniques
Case studies for various applications
Cyber Security in emergent technologies, infrastructures and applications
Última Actualización Por Dou Sun en 2022-01-26
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