PACIS 2018: Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems
Yokohama, Japan
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The 22nd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2018) will be held at Yokohama, Japan, after the successful series of PACIS since 1993. PACIS is the main international Information Systems (IS) conference and the only AIS sponsored conference in the Pacific Asia Region. The primary purpose of PACIS is to enable regional and international Information Systems researchers and practitioners to meet in an annual forum that maximizes the opportunity for the exchange of information. The world’s Information Systems industry and research specialists, and academia are cordially invited to participate in a wealth of presentation, tutorials, special sessions and social activities for the advancement of Information Systems and Management.

We invite submissions in current and emerging areas of Information Systems research , especially those related to the conference theme “Opportunities and Challenges for the Digitized Society: Are We Ready?”

    Business Intelligence and Data Analytics
    Enterprise Systems and Business Process Management
    Financialization, Finance, and IT
    Green IS/IT and Sustainability
    Human Computer Interaction
    IoT, Smart Cities, and Smart Tourism
    IS Education and E-learning
    IS Implementation and Adoption
    IS in Healthcare
    IS Security and Privacy
    IS/IT and Open Innovation
    IS/IT in Mobile Business
    IS/IT Project Management and Outsourcing
    IS/IT Strategy, Leadership, and Governance
    Knowledge Management
    Opportunities and Challenges for the Digitized Society: Are We Ready? (Theme Track)
    Service Science, Service Design, and User Experience
    Social Media and Business Impact
最終更新 Dou Sun 2017-09-30
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EAISEvolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems2022-02-072022-03-072022-05-25
CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
Computers & Industrial Engineering6.700Elsevier0360-8352
International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering AR Publication0000-0000
bJournal of Computer Security IOS Press0926-227X
Cybernetics and PhysicsIPME RAS2223-7038
cJournal of Grid Computing3.600Springer1570-7873
International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering IGI Global1554-1045
International Journal of ComputingResearch Institute of Intelligent Computer Systems1727-6209
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability1.000Springer1387-5841
The Scientific World JournalHindawi1537-744X
Advances in Fuzzy Systems1.400Hindawi1687-7101