Conference Information
ECIR 2024: European Conference on Information Retrieval
Submission Date:
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Conference Date:
Glasgow, Scotland
CCF: c   CORE: a   QUALIS: a2   Viewed: 48491   Tracked: 131   Attend: 28

Call For Papers
The European Conference on Information Retrieval is the prime European forum for the presentation of original research in the general field of Information Retrieval.

ECIR 2024 is seeking original, high-quality submissions addressing innovative research in the broad field of Information Retrieval. ECIR 2024 wishes to highlight significant contributions addressing the main challenges of providing effective and efficient search and retrieval.

Topics of Interest

ECIR 2024 encourages the submission of high-quality and original papers on the theory, experimentation, evaluation and practice of information retrieval, recommender systems and interaction; this primarily includes textual or textual with multimodal information. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:

    User aspects, including information interaction, contextualisation, personalisation, simulation, characterisation, and behaviours;
    System and foundational aspects, including retrieval models and architectures, content analysis and classification, recommendation algorithms, query processing and ranking, efficiency and scalability;
    Machine learning, deep learning and neural models, natural language processing, and graph models applied to information retrieval, recommender systems and interaction;
    Conversational search systems, focusing on natural language understanding and generation, dialogue management, multimodal interaction, and user engagement in search processes;
    Explainability methods, addressing the transparency, interpretability, and accountability of AI-driven systems, particularly for information retrieval, recommendation, and personalisation;
    Applications, such as web search, recommender systems, web and social media apps, professional and domain-specific search, novel interfaces to search tools, intelligent search, and conversational agents;
    Evaluation, including new metrics and novel methods for the measurement and evaluation of retrieval systems, users, and/or applications.
    Social and technical challenges, such as bias, ethics, fake news and hate speech, IR-focused trustworthy & explainable AI methodologies and techniques.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2023-09-01
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