ICSH 2018: International Conference for Smart Health
2018-04-09 Extended
Wuhan, China
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Advances in informatics have led to new opportunities and challenges in healthcare research and applications. There is an increased effort to leverage information systems and data analytics to transform reactive care to proactive and preventive care, clinic-centric practice to patient-centered practice, training-based interventions to globally aggregated evidence, and episodic response to continuous well-being monitoring and maintenance.

International Conference for Smart Health (ICSH), originated in 2013, intends to provide a forum for the growing international smart health research community to discuss the technical, practical, economic, behavioral, and social issues associated with smart health. The 6th International Conference for Smart Health (ICSH 2018) will be hosted by Wuhan University in Wuhan, China on July 2-3, 2018. ICSH 2018 welcomes studies on the principles, approaches, models, frameworks, new applications, and effects of using novel information technology to address healthcare problems and improve social welfare.


The conference proceedings will be published by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Extended versions of selected papers will be considered for publication by IEEE Intelligent Systems (IEEE IS), Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA), ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS), Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems (PAJAIS), Global Health Research and Policy (GHRP) and Data and Information Management (DIM).

Topics of Interest:

I. Information Systems for Clinical Practice and Training 

    EHR Application & Integration
    Computer-aided Diagnosis
    Visual Analytics for Healthcare
    Telehealth Applications
    IS for Mental Healthcare
    IS for Patient-centered & Evidence-based Care
    Virtual Patient Modeling for Training
    Innovative Design of New Health Information Systems and Clinical Decision Support Tools

II. Clinical and Medical Data Modeling & Analytics 

    Disease Profiling and Precision Medicine
    Healthcare Predictive Modeling & Patient Support
    Text Mining for EHR and Clinical Unstructured Data
    Information Retrieval for Healthcare Applications
    Pharmacy Informatics Systems & Drug Discovery
    Side-effect & Drug Interaction
    Medical Data Management
    Data Standards (FHIR, inter-operability, etc.) & Healthcare IT
    Disease Surveillance & Epidemics Forecasting/Intervention
    Prediction of Emergent Events with Healthcare Impacts

III. Community, Social Media, and Knowledge Management 

    Online Patient Communities
    Online/offline Support Groups
    IS for Patient Education, Learning and Involvement
    Role of IS in Patient Data Generation/Collection
    Healthcare Knowledge Classification and Summarization
    Health Information Needs, Seeking, Sharing, & Use
    Social media applications

IV. Smart/Mobile Devices for Healthcare 

    Assistive Devices for Individuals with Special Needs
    Mobile / Wearable Devices in Wellness
    Intelligent Medical Devices & Sensors
    Continuous Monitoring & Streaming Technologies for Healthcare
    Virtual & Augmented Reality for Healthcare
    Computer Support for Surgical Intervention
    Localized Data for Improving Emergency Care
    Smart Devices for Healthy Life Styles and Better Self-care

V. Management of Smart Health Systems 

    Adoption and Use of Clinical Decision Support
    Adoption and Management of Smart Health Devices
    Healthcare Workflow Management
    Real-time Analytics & Optimization in Healthcare Operations
    Managing the Use of Health IT by Care Providers
    Privacy, Security & Trust Issues in Health System Use
    Data Quality of Clinical & Patient-generated Data

VI. Smart Health Business, Social, and Economic Issues 

    ICT & Health
    Patient & Physician Engagement & Relationships under IT
    Impact of Health IT on Small & Rural Communities
    Impact & Management of IT on Healthcare Access, Costs, Delivery, & Outcomes
    Accountable Smart Health, Reporting, Pricing, & Auditing
    Value-based Care & Care Pricing Models
    New Business Models for Healthcare IT
    Population Health Management – Clinical & Financial impact
    Impact of New HIPAA Guidelines on Privacy and Security
    Meta-studies of Community, National & International Programs
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