EconCom 2014: International Conference on Economic Computing
Beijing, China
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Economic Computing conference is a premier international forum for economic computing researchers, practitioners, developers, and users to explore and exchange the newest economic computing ideas, breakthroughs, findings, techniques, tools, and experiences. We invite submissions from academia, government, and industry presenting novel research on all theoretical and practical aspects of economic computing.

Areas of interest for EconCom 2014 include, but are not limited to: 
Agent-Based microfoundations of macroeconomic activity

    Simulators for macroeconomic policy
    Discrete Choice Models in Economics and Management Sciences
    Emergence and Dynamics of Norms and Conventions
    Financial Market models
    Agent-Based Methodological Issues
    Dynamics of Social and Economic Networks
    Complexity and Market Dynamics
    The interaction between Experimental and Computational Economics
    Organizations and Management Science

Theory and Foundations (Computer Science Theory; Economic Theory)

    Artificial Intelligence (AI, Agents, Machine Learning, Data Mining)
    Experimental and Applications (Empirical Research, Experience with E-Commerce Applications)

Auction Theory

    Bargaining and Negotiation
    Behavioral Models
    Computational Game Theory
    Computational Social Choice
    Consumer Search and Online Behavior
    Crowdsourcing and Collective Intelligence
    Data Mining
    Economics of Information
    Equilibrium Computation
    Experience with E-Commerce Systems and Markets
    Foundations of Incentive Compatibility
    Game-Theoretic Models of E-Commerce and the Internet
    Information Elicitation
    Machine Learning
    Market Equilibrium
    Mechanism Design
    Platforms and Services
    Prediction Markets
    Preferences and Decision Theory
    Privacy Technologies
    Recommender Systems
    Reputation and Trust Systems
    Revenue Optimization, Pricing, and Payments
    Social Networks
    Sponsored Search and other Electronic Marketing
    Trading Agents
    Usability and Human Factors in E-Commerce Applications
    User-Generated Content and Peer Production
最后更新 Dou Sun 在 2014-02-22
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Feedback ComputingInternational Workshop on Feedback Computing 2013-04-262013-06-25
Interaction Studies0.900John Benjamins Publishing Company1572-0373
Materials DiscoveryElsevier2352-9245
Ethics and Information Technology3.400Springer1388-1957
cEURASIP Journal on Information Security2.500Springer1687-417X
Intelligence & RoboticsOAE Publishing2770-3541
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering5.800IOS Press1069-2509
Journal of Digital Imaging2.900Springer0897-1889
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science1.600Walter de Gruyter1641-876X
cWireless Communications and Mobile ComputingHindawi1530-8669
Advances in Data Analysis and Classification1.400Springer1862-5347