SaCoNeT 2018: International Conference on Smart Communications in Network Technologies
La Gazelle d’or, El Oued, Algeria
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Scientific Scope:

The scope of SaCoNet is to deal with the growing smart communications fields embedded in complex systems for a wide variety of applications in the future generation of network and cloud computing technologies. SaCoNet focuses on how smart communications and ICT networks impact not only on network technologies (protocols, equipment, algorithms, power, MANET, VANET, etc.), but also on creating collective and individual awareness about the multiple sustainability threats which our society is facing nowadays at social, environmental and political levels, considering a wide family of applications (healthcare, underwater, vehicular, robotic, economics, etc).

Indeed, autonomous applications embedded in complex configurations and dynamic environments have rapidly expanded from classical applications where different modular devices, actuators and sensors interact closely. This has considerably impacted the control of a given system in a centralized manner. Current trends are to propose new autonomic architecture schemes that manage and control future emerging networks: Sky of clouds, Internet of things, Smart Grids, Smart Cities, etc. The evolution of Internet usages appeals for more quality guarantees in order to support stringent services. Aligned to these trends, the Open Data initiative fuels novel development scenarios, business opportunities and markets. In this context, for example, Healthcare and wellness applications such as helping elderly people, assisting dependent persons, habitat monitoring in a smart environment constitute some of the potential scenarios of convergence between autonomous systems and smart network technologies. These applications, which are based on high-level commands, accomplish some specific tasks, reveal new challenges regarding mechanic design, portability, acceptability, power support and efficiency, control theory, cost, economic aspects, scalability, security, etc.

Another key challenge arises at business level, since existing models do not cover added value services. Before investing in these infrastructures, providers must be ensured to perceive incentive compensations. This conference will highlight the overlapping of these two domains of autonomous systems and the smart network technologies devoted for different applications for a large variety of domains. Issues related to concepts, new technologies, test-beds, and protocols will elicit particular attention. SaCoNeT solicits papers dealing with Smart Communications in (not limited to):

5G and Next Generation Networks

    5G wireless technologies and Virtualization
    Cloud-based 5G mobile architectures
    Spectrum utilization and Massive MIMO Communications
    SDN and NGN for smart cities
    Routing innovation for smart communications
    Device-to-Device Communications and networking
    Cloud and Mobile Edge Computing
    IS security

Ad hoc, Sensor and Vehicular Networks

    Internet of things
    Techniques of sensing, actuation and recognition
    Architecture and protocol for wireless based sensor networks
    Context awareness using sensor networks
    Vehicular applications of autonomous behavior
    Energy optimization
    Real-time network using sensors, actuators and transducers

Autonomic and Robot based Networks

    Design modeling and control of autonomous robotic systems
    Monitoring and security of autonomous systems
    Assistive robotic technology
    Autonomous manipulation using service robots
    Network based transmission architecture
    Pervasive communication in autonomous application fields
    Energy optimization of autonomous systems

Applications and client overview

    E-Health, Telemedicine, Oil and Gas industries
    Data mining /Image processing in networks
    Rural/Underwater applications
    Context-awareness and ubiquitous applications
    Big data analysis
    Secure, scalable and low cost network paradigms applications
    Digital social platforms
    Numerical Transformation, Digitalisation
最后更新 Dou Sun 在 2018-07-01
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