Conference Information
ICSSTE 2014: International Conference on Software Science, Technology and Engineering
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Call For Papers
The ICSSTE 2014 : International Conference on Software Science, Technology and Engineering is the premier interdisciplinary forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Software Science, Technology and Engineering. The conference will bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars in the domain of interest from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

    Software Specification
    Software Design, Software Testing
    Software Assurance
    Reengineering And Reverse Engineering
    Software Process Modeling
    Software Reuse
    Software Safety
    Software Maintenance and Evolution
    Software Security
    Software Engineering Tools and Environments
    Project Management
    Software Requirements Engineering
    Formal Specifications
    Software Verification and Model Checking
    Model-Based Methodologies
    Software Quality and Software Metrics
    Software Architecture and Design
    Software Testing
    Service- and Aspect-Oriented Techniques
    Agent-Based Software Systems
    Internet and Information Systems Development
    Software Visualization
    Software Development Tools
    Software Processes
    Human-Computer Interaction
    Software Engineering System
    Software Economics
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2014-07-27
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