Conference Information
ANTS 2024: International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunication Systems
Submission Date:
2024-08-01 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Assam, India
Viewed: 16275   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers

IEEE ANTS is a premier IEEE conference on advanced networking and telecommunications topics. IEEE ANTS is financially and technically supported by the IEEE Communications Society. The distinguishing characteristic of IEEE ANTS is the promotion of an intense dialogue between academic and industry to bridge the gap between academic research, industry initiatives, and governmental policies. This is fostered through panel discussions, keynotes, invited talks, and industry exhibits, where academia is exposed to state-of-the-practice and results from trials and interoperability experiments. The industry, in turn, benefits from exposure to leading-edge research as well as an opportunity to communicate and collaborate with academic researchers regarding practical problems. This year the theme is “Bridging the World with Intelligent Communication.” Technical papers are invited which have special focus on enabling technologies that are aligned with the theme of the conference.

IEEE ANTS 2024 will be held at Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam, India. The theme of the conference will foster an environment for deliberating on different research aspects on the said topic. Authors can submit short (max 4 pages) and regular (max 6 pages) papers that contain original material which is not currently communicated/submitted/under-review in other conferences or journals and has not been previously published.

Potential research topics include (but are not limited to) the following thrust areas.

Wireless Communication and Networks:

    5G-Advanced and 6G Technologies
    Communication theory and systems
    Cellular and Broadband Networks
    Information and Coding Theory
    Cognitive Radio Networks    
    Spectrum Issues and Requirements
    Multi-Antenna Communications
    Device to Device (D2D) Communications
    High Altitude Networks
    Mobility Models and Mobile Networks
    Mobile Backhaul Networks
    Underwater Communications and Networking
    Aerial Communications and Networking
    Machine-to-Machine (M2M) networks
    Satellite and Radar Communications
    Unlicensed Band Communication
    Smart Antennas

Optical Communication and Networks:

    Free Space Optics
    Visible Light Communication and Networks
    Optical Fiber Communication and Networks
    Optical Access Networks
    Quantum Optical Communications
    Optical Datacenter Networks
    Hollow-Core Fiber Communication
    Subsea Communication and Networks
    Fiber-wireless convergence
    Disaster-Resilient networks
    Optical Backhaul for Wireless Networks
    Optical Network Architectures
    Optical Networks for Cloud/Fog
    Hybrid Fiber-Wireless Networks

Network Technologies and Applications:

    Defence Communications and Networking
    Software Defined Networks
    Network Function Virtualization
    AI/ML for Communications and Networking
    Big Data and Analytics in Smart City
    Augmented and Virtual Reality
    Cyber-physical systems and networks          
    Smart Grid Communication Networks
    Rural and Remote Connectivity
    Blockchain for Communications and Networking
    Security, Privacy, and Trust
    Adversarial Machine Learning in Networking and Communications
    Signal Processing for Communications
    Network Economics and Pricing
    Spectrum Sharing Models
    Game Theory with Networks
    Future Networks and Communications

Emerging Technologies:

    Integrated Sensing and Communication
    Quantum Communication and Networks
    Post Quantum Security and Privacy
    Quantum Security and Privacy
    Satellite Internet
    Intelligent Meta-Surfaces
    Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications
    Green Communications and Networking
    Molecular Communications
    Millimeter-Wave Communications
    Edge technologies
    UAV Communications and networking
    IoT Networks
    Industry 4.0 Networking and Communications
    Semantic Communications
    Haptic and Holographic Technologies
    Testbed and Prototype Implementation
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-31
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