Conference Information
ADCS 2014: Australasian Document Computing Symposium
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Conference Date:
Melbourne, Australia
Viewed: 12314   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
ADCS 2014 is an opportunity for researchers and practitioners in document management and information retrieval to meet and present their work. The symposium aims to cover all aspects of Document Computing and Information Retrieval. The symposium emphasises both commercial and academic issues by encouraging a variety of submissions.
Topics of interest

The symposium topics include (but are not restricted to) the following:

    Cognitive Aspects of Documents
    Digital Libraries
    Document Databases
    Document Management
    Document Standards (XML, SGML, etc.)
    Document Summarisation
    Enterprise Search
    Information Retrieval
    Multimedia Document Management
    Multimedia Resource Discovery
    Natural Language Techniques and Documents
    Personalised Documents
    User Studies Involving Documents
    Web Documents
    Web Search


Submissions should comply with the paper guidelines. All submissions must be original work, not previously published elsewhere, and not currently submitted to any other conference or journal.

Submission of a paper should be regarded as an undertaking that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will attend the symposium to present the work. Note also that it is insufficient for an author to register and pay for the symposium to be regarded as fulfilling this obligation.

Submission instructions coming soon.

Full papers

Full papers should describe new contributions or analyse research issues. Submissions should be at most eight pages long (around 3000 words); over-length submissions risk immediate rejection. Refer to the guidelines for papers for details of the required format.

Posters, short papers and industry status reports

To encourage participation by industry and to provide a place for work of a more speculative nature, ADCS invites submissions for short papers, up to a maximum of four pages (around 1500 words). A typical proposal might describe a leading-edge solution to a practical problem in document management or search. Short papers should follow the same format as for full papers.

Presentation of short papers will be via a poster session. Accepted short papers will also be included in a separate section of the symposium proceedings.


The conference proceedings will be published online in the ACM Digital Library. All submissions will be fully refereed by a blind refereeing process, at their full published length, and will comply with DEST criteria for fully-refereed conference papers (category F1).


While every effort has been made to make the information contained in this page as accurate as possible, the organising committee, the host institution, and the sponsors will not be held responsible for any changes in the structure or content of the technical programme, registration fees, accommodation costs, or any errors in this web site.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2014-08-17
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