Basic Information
Name: Xu Tong
Institution: East China Normal University
Registration: 2024-06-11
Score: 148
Tracked Conferences
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Tracked Journals
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Followed Researchers
Linghao YingEast China Normal University2024-06-09411
Linghao YingEast China Normal University411
Tracked Jobs
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Viewed Conferences
Viewed Journals
CCFFull NameImpact FactorPublisherISSN
Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports31.00Elsevier0927-796X
Materials Today24.20Elsevier1369-7021
Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous SystemsELSP2959-0744
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials22.97IEEE2373-745X
International Journal of Information Management18.95Elsevier0268-4012
IEEE Software2.589IEEE0740-7459
Optics & Laser Technology3.867Elsevier0030-3992
Applied Mathematical Modelling5.129Elsevier0307-904X
aProceedings of the IEEE10.69IEEE0018-9219
cFuture Generation Computer Systems7.307Elsevier0167-739X