Basic Information
Name: Jie Hu
Institution: Southwestern University
Registration: 2024-01-25
Score: 125
Tracked Conferences
CCFCOREQUALISShortFull NameSubmissionNotificationConference
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ShortFull NameSubmissionConference
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Attend Conferences
CCFCOREQUALISShortFull NameConferenceLocation
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Tracked Journals
CCFFull NameImpact FactorPublisherISSN
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Followed Researchers
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Tracked Jobs
Job TitleEmployerJob Location
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Job TitleEmployerJob Location
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Viewed Conferences
CCFCOREQUALISShortFull NameSubmissionNotificationConference
cAPNetAsia-Pacific Workshop on Networking2024-03-082024-04-262024-08-03
cINTERSPEECHConference of the International Speech Communication Association2024-03-022024-06-062024-09-01
cICDF2CEAI International Conference on Digital Forensics & Cyber Crime2024-04-302024-05-312024-10-09
cba2DISACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems2025-01-122025-04-182025-07-05
ccb1ISPASSInternational Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software  2025-05-11
cIH & MMSECACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security2024-02-162024-04-122024-06-24
cb1GLSVLSIGreat Lakes Symposium on VLSI2024-02-092024-03-222024-06-05
cbb1SOUPSInternational Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security2024-02-08 2024-08-11
cbb1ICICSInternational Conference on Information and Communications Security2024-04-192024-06-242024-08-26
cab5ICSSPInternational Conference on Software and Systems Process2024-03-222024-04-302024-09-04
Viewed Journals
CCFFull NameImpact FactorPublisherISSN
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Full NameImpact FactorPublisher
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