12024-07-18ジャーナルを更新Scientometrics 詳細...
22024-07-18ジャーナルを更新Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 詳細...
32024-07-18Special Issueを追加Healthcare Intelligent Control Systems: Trends, Design, and Applications (International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems) 詳細...
42024-07-18Special Issueを追加Advancements in Safety-Critical Control for Autonomous Intelligent Systems (International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems) 詳細...
52024-07-18ジャーナルを更新International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems 詳細...
62024-07-18ジャーナルを更新International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems 詳細...
72024-07-18Special Issueを追加Resource Efficient Deep Learning for Computer Vision Applications (Mobile Networks and Applications) 詳細...
82024-07-18Special Issueを追加Mobile Educational Intelligent System (Mobile Networks and Applications) 詳細...
92024-07-18Special Issueを追加Machine Learning in Intrusions Detection and Attacks for Smart IoT Ecosystem (Mobile Networks and Applications) 詳細...
102024-07-18Special Issueを追加Machine Learning for Hybrid Social Information (Mobile Networks and Applications) 詳細...
112024-07-18Special Issueを追加Intelligent Regulation and Governance of Digital Services (Mobile Networks and Applications) 詳細...
122024-07-18Special Issueを追加Cloud-Edge Intelligence Collaborative Computing: Software, Communication and Human (Mobile Networks and Applications) 詳細...
132024-07-18ジャーナルを更新Mobile Networks and Applications 詳細...
142024-07-18ジャーナルを更新Applied Mathematics & Optimization 詳細...
152024-07-18ジャーナルを更新Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 詳細...
162024-07-18ジャーナルを更新Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 詳細...
172024-07-17ジャーナルを更新International Journal of Health Geographics 詳細...
182024-07-17ジャーナルを更新Journal of Grid Computing 詳細...
192024-07-17ジャーナルを更新Mathematical Programming 詳細...
202024-07-17ジャーナルを更新Computational Mechanics 詳細...
212024-07-17ジャーナルを更新Journal of Digital Imaging 詳細...
222024-07-17ジャーナルを更新Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 詳細...
232024-07-17ジャーナルを更新User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 詳細...
242024-07-17ジャーナルを更新Journal of Medical Systems 詳細...
252024-07-17ジャーナルを更新Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 詳細...
262024-07-17Special Issueを追加Smart Tourism 2.0: Perspectives with geospatial data and AI (Electronic Markets) 詳細...
272024-07-17Special Issueを追加Regulatory competition and global governance in digital markets (Electronic Markets) 詳細...
282024-07-17Special Issueを追加Digital Transformation and Service (Electronic Markets) 詳細...
292024-07-17Special Issueを追加Cyberspace governance in the AI era (Electronic Markets) 詳細...
302024-07-17ジャーナルを更新Electronic Markets 詳細...