第 1171-1200 条, 共 4086 条.
12024-08-25更新期刊Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 详细信息...
22024-08-25更新期刊Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 详细信息...
32024-08-25更新期刊Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology 详细信息...
42024-08-25更新期刊Journal of Pathology Informatics 详细信息...
52024-08-25更新期刊Journal of Research on Technology in Education 详细信息...
62024-08-25新增Special IssueDevelopment of AGI in e-commerce (Journal of Electronic Commerce Research) 详细信息...
72024-08-25新增Special IssueDevelopment of AGI in e-commerce (Journal of Electronic Commerce Research) 详细信息...
82024-08-25更新期刊Journal of Electronic Commerce Research 详细信息...
92024-08-25更新期刊Journal of Information Science 详细信息...
102024-08-25更新期刊Mobile Media & Communication 详细信息...
112024-08-25更新期刊Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 详细信息...
122024-08-25更新期刊Science, Technology, & Human Values 详细信息...
132024-08-25更新期刊Frontiers in Robotics and AI 详细信息...
142024-08-25更新期刊PeerJ Computer Science 详细信息...
152024-08-25更新期刊Social Media + Society 详细信息...
162024-08-25更新期刊Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences 详细信息...
172024-08-25新增Special IssueAngular Momentum of Light (APL Photonics) 详细信息...
182024-08-25新增Special IssueAdvances enabled by Ytterbium: from advanced laser technology to breakthrough applications (APL Photonics) 详细信息...
192024-08-25新增Special IssueBrillouin Scattering and Optomechanics (APL Photonics) 详细信息...
202024-08-25更新期刊APL Photonics 详细信息...
212024-08-25更新期刊Journal of Cheminformatics 详细信息...
222024-08-25更新期刊Advances and Applications in Bioinformatics and Chemistry 详细信息...
232024-08-25更新期刊Foundations and Trends in Signal Processing 详细信息...
242024-08-25更新期刊Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 详细信息...
252024-08-25更新期刊Journal of Web Engineering 详细信息...
262024-08-25更新期刊EAI Endorsed Transactions on Collaborative Computing 详细信息...
272024-08-25新增Special IssueArtificial Intelligence in medical image analysis (Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization) 详细信息...
282024-08-25更新期刊Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization 详细信息...
292024-08-25更新期刊International Journal of Information and Computer Security 详细信息...
302024-08-25更新期刊VLSI Design 详细信息...