第 3871-3900 条, 共 4032 条.
12024-07-12新增Special IssueGenerative AI in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal) 详细信息...
22024-07-12新增Special IssueHealth Digital Twins in Precision and Personalized Medicine (Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal) 详细信息...
32024-07-12新增Special IssueAlphaFold in protein structure and function prediction (Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal) 详细信息...
42024-07-12新增Special IssueSecurity and Privacy Solutions for Biomedical Human-Cyber-Physical Systems (Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal) 详细信息...
52024-07-12新增Special IssueHuman-Centred Design of Smart Medical Devices (Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal) 详细信息...
62024-07-12新增Special IssueLight allostery in photoreceptors: from fundamental understanding of the bio-molecular regulation to engineering allosteric tools (Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal) 详细信息...
72024-07-12新增Special IssueSingle-Molecule Sensors and NanoSystems (Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal) 详细信息...
82024-07-12新增Special IssueMaterialsWeek 2024 - Strategic R&I for the Value Chains of the Future (Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal) 详细信息...
92024-07-12新增Special IssueComputational and Structural Biotechnology Journal (Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal) 详细信息...
102024-07-12新增Special IssueArtificial Intelligence in Community based Mental Health Promotion, Health Management and Injury Prevention for Quality of Life (Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal) 详细信息...
112024-07-12新增Special IssueCoherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy for Biology (Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal) 详细信息...
122024-07-12新增Special IssueIn silico exploration of ultra-large chemical libraries (Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal) 详细信息...
132024-07-12更新期刊Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 详细信息...
142024-07-12更新期刊Materials Science and Engineering: C 详细信息...
152024-07-12新增Special IssueTo Create Sustainable Cities: Focusing on Climate and Health (Sustainable Cities and Society) 详细信息...
162024-07-12更新期刊Sustainable Cities and Society 详细信息...
172024-07-12更新期刊Computers in Industry 详细信息...
182024-07-12新增Special IssueConformal Prediction and Distribution-Free Uncertainty Quantification (Pattern Recognition) 详细信息...
192024-07-12新增Special IssueCelebrating the Life and Research Contributions of Edwin Hancock (Pattern Recognition) 详细信息...
202024-07-12更新期刊Pattern Recognition 详细信息...
212024-07-12新增Special IssueAdvanced Theories and Methodologies for Countering Illicit Supply Chains (Advanced Engineering Informatics) 详细信息...
222024-07-12新增Special IssueHuman-Robot Interactions in Construction (Advanced Engineering Informatics) 详细信息...
232024-07-12更新期刊Advanced Engineering Informatics 详细信息...
242024-07-12更新期刊Computer Science Review 详细信息...
252024-07-12新增Special IssueIn-line metrology, design optimization and material development in additive manufacturing (Materials & Design) 详细信息...
262024-07-12新增Special IssueNew Metamaterials and Devices (Materials & Design) 详细信息...
272024-07-12新增Special IssueArtificial Intelligence-Enabled Material Innovations (Materials & Design) 详细信息...
282024-07-12更新期刊Materials & Design 详细信息...
292024-07-12新增Special IssueElectromagnetic Wave Functional Composites (Composites Communications) 详细信息...
302024-07-12新增Special IssueComposite Interface (Composites Communications) 详细信息...