12024-07-18新研究員z congfly (ustb) 詳細...
22024-07-18新研究員chen wang (peking university) 詳細...
32024-07-18新研究員vivi pan (s) 詳細...
42024-07-18新研究員wentao jiang (安徽师范大学) 詳細...
52024-07-18新研究員Xinyue Zhang (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications) 詳細...
62024-07-18新研究員small graygray (Xinjiang University) 詳細...
72024-07-18新研究員Donghan Liu (ECNU) 詳細...
82024-07-18新研究員yuyong zhao (Zhejiang university of technology) 詳細...
92024-07-18ジャーナルを更新Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 詳細...
102024-07-18Special Issueを追加Neuro-Symbolic Intelligence: Large Language Model Enabled Knowledge Engineering (World Wide Web) 詳細...
112024-07-18ジャーナルを更新World Wide Web 詳細...
122024-07-18ジャーナルを更新Multimedia Tools and Applications 詳細...
132024-07-18ジャーナルを更新Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 詳細...
142024-07-18ジャーナルを更新Knowledge and Information Systems 詳細...
152024-07-18Special Issueを追加VLDB 2023 (The VLDB Journal) 詳細...
162024-07-18ジャーナルを更新The VLDB Journal 詳細...
172024-07-18ジャーナルを更新Neural Processing Letters 詳細...
182024-07-18ジャーナルを更新International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 詳細...
192024-07-18Special Issueを追加Explainable AI for Secure Applications (Machine Learning) 詳細...
202024-07-18Special Issueを追加Emerging Applications and Frontiers for Data Science (DSAA 2024 journal track) (Machine Learning) 詳細...
212024-07-18ジャーナルを更新Machine Learning 詳細...
222024-07-18ジャーナルを更新Molecular Diversity 詳細...
232024-07-18ジャーナルを更新Foundations of Computational Mathematics 詳細...
242024-07-18ジャーナルを更新Autonomous Robots 詳細...
252024-07-18ジャーナルを更新Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 詳細...
262024-07-18Special Issueを追加Multibody Biomechanics (Multibody System Dynamics) 詳細...
272024-07-18ジャーナルを更新Multibody System Dynamics 詳細...
282024-07-18Special Issueを追加Recent Advancements in Machining (The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology) 詳細...
292024-07-18Special Issueを追加Precision Engineering for Advanced Manufacturing Technology (The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology) 詳細...
302024-07-18Special Issueを追加Advances of AI and Robotics in Precision Engineering for Hybrid Manufacturing (The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology) 詳細...