第 3031-3060 条, 共 4065 条.
12024-07-22更新期刊npj Systems Biology and Applications 详细信息...
22024-07-22新增Special IssueNeuroscience data to understand human behaviour (Scientific Data) 详细信息...
32024-07-22新增Special IssueDatasets for gait analysis (Scientific Data) 详细信息...
42024-07-22新增Special IssueRemote sensing data for changes in land use (Scientific Data) 详细信息...
52024-07-22新增Special IssueEcological data for tracking biological diversity and environmental change (Scientific Data) 详细信息...
62024-07-22新增Special IssueChemistry data from simulations (Scientific Data) 详细信息...
72024-07-22新增Special IssueMetabolomics (Scientific Data) 详细信息...
82024-07-22新增Special IssueEpidemiological data (Scientific Data) 详细信息...
92024-07-22新增用户Shiling Du (Shiling Du) 详细信息...
102024-07-22新增Special IssuePolitics and elections data (Scientific Data) 详细信息...
112024-07-22新增Special IssueData for epigenetics research (Scientific Data) 详细信息...
122024-07-22更新期刊Scientific Data 详细信息...
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152024-07-22更新期刊Machine Translation 详细信息...
162024-07-22更新期刊International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 详细信息...
172024-07-22更新期刊Programming and Computer Software 详细信息...
182024-07-22更新期刊GPS Solutions 详细信息...
192024-07-22更新期刊Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International 详细信息...
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212024-07-22新增用户code brown (gdut) 详细信息...
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252024-07-22新增Special IssuePrototyping and Developing Real-World Applications for Extended Reality (Virtual Reality) 详细信息...
262024-07-22更新期刊Virtual Reality 详细信息...
272024-07-22新增Special IssueSmart and Resilient Operations in the Age of Digitization (Annals of Operations Research) 详细信息...
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292024-07-22新增Special IssueRecent Advances in Stochastic and Robust Optimization (Annals of Operations Research) 详细信息...
302024-07-22新增Special IssueProject Management and Scheduling 2024 (Annals of Operations Research) 详细信息...