CCF: Journal Rank (A, B, C) from China Computer Federation (2022)
第 391-420 条, 共 1179 条.
IJWMNInternational Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks AIRCC0975-467914778
 Journal of Control Theory and Applications1.700Springer1672-634014770
 Information Technology and Management2.300Springer1385-951X14746
cSTTTInternational Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer1.100Springer1433-277914741
IJAITInternational Journal of Advanced Information Technology AIRCC2231-192014739
aVLDBJThe VLDB Journal2.800Springer1066-888814704
cCAVWComputer Animation and Virtual Worlds0.900John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.1546-427X14701
 Journal of Real-Time Image Processing2.900Springer1861-820014680
bSIIMSSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences SIAM1936-495414664
cTIISACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems3.600ACM2160-645514640
IJITWEInternational Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering IGI Global1554-104514621
IJFCSTInternational Journal in Foundations of Computer Science & Technology AIRCC1839-766214608
 International Journal of Control1.600Taylor & Francis0020-717914607
 Information Systems Frontiers6.900Springer1387-332614578
IJAOSEInternational Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering Inder Science Publishers1746-137514556
TMSCSIEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing SystemsIEEE2332-776614538
bSTVRSoftware Testing, Verification and Reliability1.500John Wiley & Sons, Ltd1099-168914535
bTALGACM Transactions on Algorithms0.900ACM1549-632514533
bMSCSMathematical Structures in Computer Science Cambridge University Press0960-129514532
c Machine TranslationSpringer0922-656714527
bTVLSIIEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems2.800IEEE1063-821014524
cLMCSLogical Methods in Computer Science Logical Methods in Computer Science1860-597414516
IJCGAInternational Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications World Scientific0218-195914509
 Social Network Analysis and Mining2.300Springer1869-545014490
 Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics5.400Elsevier0895-611114470
 Journal of Scientific Computing2.800Springer0885-747414446
 Electronic Commerce Research3.700Springer1389-575314402
IJCCSAInternational Journal on Cloud Computing: Services and Architecture AIRCC2231-666314379
 International Journal of Document Analysis and Recognition1.800Springer1433-283314363
 Information Systems and e-Business Management2.300Springer1617-984614359
第 391-420 条, 共 1179 条.
International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks 14778
Journal of Control Theory and Applications1.70014770
Information Technology and Management2.30014746
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer1.10014741
International Journal of Advanced Information Technology 14739
The VLDB Journal2.80014704
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds0.90014701
Journal of Real-Time Image Processing2.90014680
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 14664
ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems3.60014640
International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering 14621
International Journal in Foundations of Computer Science & Technology 14608
International Journal of Control1.60014607
Information Systems Frontiers6.90014578
International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering 14556
IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems14538
Software Testing, Verification and Reliability1.50014535
ACM Transactions on Algorithms0.90014533
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 14532
Machine Translation14527
IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems2.80014524
Logical Methods in Computer Science 14516
International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications 14509
Social Network Analysis and Mining2.30014490
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics5.40014470
Journal of Scientific Computing2.80014446
Electronic Commerce Research3.70014402
International Journal on Cloud Computing: Services and Architecture 14379
International Journal of Document Analysis and Recognition1.80014363
Information Systems and e-Business Management2.30014359