| IJWMN | International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks | | AIRCC | 0975-4679 | 14777 |
| | Journal of Control Theory and Applications | 1.700 | Springer | 1672-6340 | 14769 |
| | Information Technology and Management | 2.300 | Springer | 1385-951X | 14746 |
c | STTT | International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer | 1.100 | Springer | 1433-2779 | 14739 |
| IJAIT | International Journal of Advanced Information Technology | | AIRCC | 2231-1920 | 14734 |
a | VLDBJ | The VLDB Journal | 2.800 | Springer | 1066-8888 | 14703 |
c | CAVW | Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds | 0.900 | John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. | 1546-427X | 14701 |
| | Journal of Real-Time Image Processing | 2.900 | Springer | 1861-8200 | 14680 |
b | SIIMS | SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences | | SIAM | 1936-4954 | 14662 |
c | TIIS | ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems | 3.600 | ACM | 2160-6455 | 14640 |
| IJITWE | International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering | | IGI Global | 1554-1045 | 14621 |
| IJFCST | International Journal in Foundations of Computer Science & Technology | | AIRCC | 1839-7662 | 14608 |
| | International Journal of Control | 1.600 | Taylor & Francis | 0020-7179 | 14605 |
| | Information Systems Frontiers | 6.900 | Springer | 1387-3326 | 14578 |
| IJAOSE | International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering | | Inder Science Publishers | 1746-1375 | 14556 |
| TMSCS | IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems | | IEEE | 2332-7766 | 14537 |
b | STVR | Software Testing, Verification and Reliability | 1.500 | John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | 1099-1689 | 14535 |
b | MSCS | Mathematical Structures in Computer Science | | Cambridge University Press | 0960-1295 | 14531 |
b | TALG | ACM Transactions on Algorithms | 0.900 | ACM | 1549-6325 | 14529 |
c | | Machine Translation | | Springer | 0922-6567 | 14525 |
b | TVLSI | IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems | 2.800 | IEEE | 1063-8210 | 14524 |
c | LMCS | Logical Methods in Computer Science | | Logical Methods in Computer Science | 1860-5974 | 14516 |
| IJCGA | International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications | | World Scientific | 0218-1959 | 14507 |
| | Social Network Analysis and Mining | 2.300 | Springer | 1869-5450 | 14483 |
| | Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics | 5.400 | Elsevier | 0895-6111 | 14466 |
| | Journal of Scientific Computing | 2.800 | Springer | 0885-7474 | 14445 |
| | Electronic Commerce Research | 3.700 | Springer | 1389-5753 | 14400 |
| IJCCSA | International Journal on Cloud Computing: Services and Architecture | | AIRCC | 2231-6663 | 14379 |
| | International Journal of Document Analysis and Recognition | 1.800 | Springer | 1433-2833 | 14361 |
| | Information Systems and e-Business Management | 2.300 | Springer | 1617-9846 | 14358 |