| | Microelectronic Engineering | 2.600 | Elsevier | 0167-9317 | 15699 |
| TCOM | IEEE Transactions on Communications | 7.200 | IEEE | 0090-6778 | 15685 |
| | Journal of Signal Processing Systems | 1.600 | Springer | 1939-8018 | 15641 |
a | TODS | ACM Transactions on Database Systems | 2.200 | ACM | 0362-5915 | 15636 |
| | Computing and Informatics | | Institute of Informatics, Slovakia | 1335-9150 | 15628 |
b | | IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems | 3.500 | IEEE | 2168-2291 | 15623 |
| IJSC | International Journal on Soft Computing | | AIRCC | 2229-7103 | 15598 |
| JFS | Journal of Function Spaces | 1.900 | Hindawi | 2314-8896 | 15538 |
| IJDPS | International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems | | AIRCC | 2229-3957 | 15537 |
| | Applied Sciences | 2.500 | MDPI | 2076-3417 | 15536 |
| | IET Journal on Image Processing | | IET | 1751-9659 | 15531 |
b | GM | Graphical Models | 2.500 | Elsevier | 1524-0703 | 15517 |
| | Computers & Structures | 4.400 | Elsevier | 0045-7949 | 15499 |
b | TASAE | IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering | 5.900 | IEEE | 1545-5955 | 15499 |
| | Computers & Industrial Engineering | 6.700 | Elsevier | 0360-8352 | 15490 |
| | IEEE Signal Processing Magazine | 9.400 | IEEE | 1053-5888 | 15482 |
c | CGTA | Computational Geometry: Theory and
Applications | 0.400 | Elsevier | 0925-7721 | 15480 |
| | Annals of Software Engineering | | Springer | 1022-7091 | 15447 |
| JISec | Journal of Internet Security | | DDSecure.Net Inc. | 1206-4890 | 15443 |
| IJCSA | International Journal on Computational Science & Applications | | AIRCC | 2200-0011 | 15396 |
c | DPD | Distributed and Parallel Databases | 1.500 | Springer | 0926-8782 | 15364 |
c | | Cybernetics and Systems | | Taylor & Francis | 0196-9722 | 15357 |
| IJMA | International Journal of Multimedia & Its Applications | | AIRCC | 0975-5934 | 15352 |
| IJTSRD | International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development | 8.100 | IJTSRD | 2456-6470 | 15349 |
| | Electronic Commerce Research and Applications | 5.900 | Elsevier | 1567-4223 | 15343 |
| JIT | Journal of Internet Technology | 0.900 | Taiwan Academic Network | 1607-9264 | 15310 |
| TMIS | ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems | 2.500 | ACM | 2158-656X | 15304 |
| IJWesT | International Journal of Web & Semantic Technology | | AIRCC | 0976-2280 | 15283 |
| IJCSES | International Journal of Computer Science and engineering Survey | | AIRCC | 0976-3252 | 15209 |
| IJFLS | International Journal of Fuzzy Logic Systems | | AIRCC | 1839-6283 | 15208 |