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CCF: Journal Rank (A, B, C) from China Computer Federation (2022)
Displaying 1051-1080 of 1179 results.
CCFShortFull NameImpact FactorPublisherISSNViewed
IRECAPInternational Journal on Communications Antenna and PropagationPraise Worthy Prize2039-50866506
Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells6.300Elsevier0927-02486478
 Animal Biotelemetry2.400Springer2050-33856426
 Journal of Formalized ReasoningAlma Mater Studiorum1972-57876419
 Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy2.600Emerald1750-61666384
 Virtual Archaeology ReviewUniversitad Politecnica de Valencia1989-99476377
 Current Opinion in Systems Biology3.400Elsevier2452-31006315
 International Journal of Electronic GovernanceInderscience1742-75096115
 Applied Ontology2.500IOS Press1570-58386109
JSEGCJournal of Smart Environments and Green ComputingOAE Publishing Inc.2767-65955987
ACIIAdvanced Computational Intelligence: An International JournalAIRCC2454-39345894
DCIEEE Journal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits2.000IEEE2329-92315655
Spatial Statistics2.100Elsevier2211-67535639
BIOEJBioscience & Engineering: An International JournalAIRCC2349-848X4925
Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous SystemsELSP2959-07444848
cCCF THPCCCF Transactions on High Performance Computing1.300Springer2524-49224793
Ceramics International5.100Elsevier0272-88424713
Measurement: SensorsElsevier2665-91744712
TOPSACM Transactions on Privacy and Security3.000ACM2471-25664120
Nano Today13.20Elsevier1748-01324119
cTCASIIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers5.200IEEE1549-83283822
cDSEData Science and Engineering5.100Springer2364-11853795
ORAJOperations Research and Applications: An International JournalAIRCC2393-84633732
bTACLTransactions of the Association for Computational LinguisticsThe Association for Computational Linguistics2307-387X3650
Displaying 1051-1080 of 1179 results.
Full NameImpact FactorViewed
International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation6506
Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells6.3006478
Animal Biotelemetry2.4006426
Journal of Formalized Reasoning6419
Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy2.6006384
Virtual Archaeology Review6377
Current Opinion in Systems Biology3.4006315
International Journal of Electronic Governance6115
Applied Ontology2.5006109
Journal of Smart Environments and Green Computing5987
Advanced Computational Intelligence: An International Journal5894
IEEE Journal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits2.0005655
Spatial Statistics2.1005639
Bioscience & Engineering: An International Journal4925
Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems4848
CCF Transactions on High Performance Computing1.3004793
Ceramics International5.1004713
Measurement: Sensors4712
ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security3.0004120
Nano Today13.204119
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers5.2003822
Data Science and Engineering5.1003795
Operations Research and Applications: An International Journal3732
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics3650