b | TALG | ACM Transactions on Algorithms | 0.900 | ACM | 1549-6325 | 4 |
c | JCOMPLEXITY | Journal of Complexity | 1.800 | Elsevier | 0885-064X | 4 |
| SEN | ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes | | ACM | 0163-5948 | 4 |
b | | GeoInformatica | 2.200 | Springer | 1384-6175 | 4 |
c | CAVW | Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds | 0.900 | John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. | 1546-427X | 4 |
b | | Cognition | 2.800 | Elsevier | 0010-0277 | 4 |
b | | Journal of Automated Reasoning | 0.900 | Springer | 0168-7433 | 4 |
| KER | Knowledge Engineering Review | | Cambridge University Press | 0269-8889 | 4 |
c | | Cybernetics and Systems | | Taylor & Francis | 0196-9722 | 4 |
| IJNSA | International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications | | AIRCC | 0975-2307 | 4 |
| IJCIS | International Journal on Cryptography and Information Security | | AIRCC | 1839-8626 | 4 |
| | Advances in Engineering Software | 4.000 | Elsevier | 0965-9978 | 4 |
c | CLSR | Computer Law and Security Review | 3.300 | Elsevier | 0267-3649 | 4 |
| | Annals of Operations Research | 4.400 | Springer | 0254-5330 | 4 |
| | International Journal of Speech Technology | | Springer | 1381-2416 | 4 |
| | Programming and Computer Software | 0.700 | Springer | 0361-7688 | 4 |
| TEAC | ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation | 1.100 | ACM | 2167-8375 | 4 |
c | TOCE | ACM Transactions on Computing Education | 3.200 | ACM | 1946-6226 | 4 |
| TSIPN | IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks | 3.000 | IEEE | 2373-776X | 4 |
c | IJSWIS | International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems | 3.200 | IGI Global | 1552-6283 | 4 |
| | Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine | 4.900 | Elsevier | 0169-2607 | 4 |
| JS | Journal of Sensors | 1.400 | Hindawi | 1687-725X | 4 |
c | BIT | Behaviour & Information Technology | 2.900 | Taylor & Francis | 0144-929X | 4 |
| | Internet and Higher Education | 6.400 | Elsevier | 1096-7516 | 4 |
| | ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing | 10.60 | Elsevier | 0924-2716 | 4 |
| IJRR | International Journal of Robotics Research | 7.500 | SAGE | 0278-3649 | 4 |
| | European Journal of Operational Research | 6.000 | Elsevier | 0377-2217 | 4 |
| | PeerJ Computer Science | 3.800 | PeerJ Inc. | 2376-5992 | 4 |
| | Interactive Learning Environments | 3.700 | Taylor & Francis | 1049-4820 | 4 |
| | International Journal of Information Security | 2.400 | Springer | 1615-5262 | 4 |