| IJFCST | International Journal in Foundations of Computer Science & Technology | | AIRCC | 1839-7662 | 1 |
| IJWMN | International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks | | AIRCC | 0975-4679 | 1 |
| GRAPH-HOC | International Journal on Applications of Graph Theory in Wireless Ad hoc Networks and Sensor Networks | | AIRCC | 0975-7260 | 1 |
| IJSEA | International journal of Software Engineering & Applications | | AIRCC | 0976-2221 | 1 |
| IJDKP | International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process | | AIRCC | 2231-007X | 1 |
| IJCGA | International Journal of Computer Graphics & Animation | | AIRCC | 2231-3591 | 1 |
| IJIST | International Journal of Information Sciences and Techniques | | AIRCC | 2319-409X | 1 |
| IJITCA | International Journal of Information Technology, Control and Automation | | AIRCC | 1839-6682 | 1 |
| IJCSA | International Journal on Computational Science & Applications | | AIRCC | 2200-0011 | 1 |
| IJMIT | International Journal of Managing Information Technology | | AIRCC | 0975-5926 | 1 |
| IJICS | International Journal of Instrumentation and Control Systems | | AIRCC | 2319-412X | 1 |
| IJCTCM | International Journal of Control Theory and Computer Modeling | | AIRCC | 2319-4138 | 1 |
| IJNCAA | International Journal of New Computer Architectures and their Applications | | SDIWC | 2220-9085 | 1 |
| IJITWE | International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering | | IGI Global | 1554-1045 | 1 |
| | Environmental Modelling & Software | 4.800 | Elsevier | 1364-8152 | 1 |
| IJAHUC | International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing | | Inder Science Publishers | 1743-8225 | 1 |
| | Applied Numerical Mathematics | 2.200 | Elsevier | 0168-9274 | 1 |
| | Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering | 6.900 | Elsevier | 0045-7825 | 1 |
| | Computers & Structures | 4.400 | Elsevier | 0045-7949 | 1 |
| | Computers & Fluids | 2.500 | Elsevier | 0045-7930 | 1 |
| | Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements | 4.200 | Elsevier | 0955-7997 | 1 |
| | Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences | | Elsevier | 2314-808X | 1 |
| | Egyptian Informatics Journal | 5.000 | Elsevier | 1110-8665 | 1 |
| | Design Studies | 3.200 | Elsevier | 0142-694X | 1 |
| | International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection | 4.100 | Elsevier | 1874-5482 | 1 |
| | International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction | | Elsevier | 2212-8689 | 1 |
| | Geographical Abstracts: Physical Geography | | Elsevier | 0954-0504 | 1 |
| | Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences | 5.200 | Elsevier | 1319-1578 | 1 |
| | Optics and Lasers in Engineering | 3.500 | Elsevier | 0143-8166 | 1 |
| | Optical Switching and Networking | 1.900 | Elsevier | 1573-4277 | 1 |