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CCF: Journal Rank (A, B, C) from China Computer Federation (2022)
Displaying 331-360 of 654 results.
CCFShortFull NameImpact FactorPublisherISSNTracked
bTALGACM Transactions on Algorithms0.900ACM1549-63254
cJCOMPLEXITYJournal of Complexity1.800Elsevier0885-064X4
SENACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes ACM0163-5948 4
b GeoInformatica2.200Springer1384-61754
cCAVWComputer Animation and Virtual Worlds0.900John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.1546-427X4
b Cognition2.800Elsevier0010-02774
b Journal of Automated Reasoning0.900Springer0168-74334
KERKnowledge Engineering ReviewCambridge University Press0269-88894
c Cybernetics and Systems Taylor & Francis0196-97224
IJNSAInternational Journal of Network Security & Its Applications AIRCC0975-23074
IJCISInternational Journal on Cryptography and Information Security AIRCC1839-86264
 Advances in Engineering Software4.000Elsevier0965-99784
cCLSRComputer Law and Security Review3.300Elsevier0267-36494
 Annals of Operations Research4.400Springer0254-53304
 International Journal of Speech TechnologySpringer1381-24164
 Programming and Computer Software0.700Springer0361-76884
TEACACM Transactions on Economics and Computation1.100ACM2167-83754
cTOCEACM Transactions on Computing Education3.200ACM1946-62264
TSIPNIEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks3.000IEEE2373-776X4
cIJSWISInternational Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems3.200IGI Global1552-62834
 Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine4.900Elsevier0169-26074
JSJournal of Sensors1.400Hindawi1687-725X4
cBITBehaviour & Information Technology2.900Taylor & Francis0144-929X4
 Internet and Higher Education6.400Elsevier1096-75164
 ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing10.60Elsevier0924-27164
IJRRInternational Journal of Robotics Research7.500SAGE0278-36494
 European Journal of Operational Research6.000Elsevier0377-22174
 PeerJ Computer Science3.800PeerJ Inc.2376-59924
 Interactive Learning Environments3.700Taylor & Francis1049-48204
 International Journal of Information Security2.400Springer1615-52624
Displaying 331-360 of 654 results.
Full NameImpact FactorTracked
ACM Transactions on Algorithms0.9004
Journal of Complexity1.8004
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 4
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds0.9004
Journal of Automated Reasoning0.9004
Knowledge Engineering Review4
Cybernetics and Systems 4
International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications 4
International Journal on Cryptography and Information Security 4
Advances in Engineering Software4.0004
Computer Law and Security Review3.3004
Annals of Operations Research4.4004
International Journal of Speech Technology4
Programming and Computer Software0.7004
ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation1.1004
ACM Transactions on Computing Education3.2004
IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks3.0004
International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems3.2004
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine4.9004
Journal of Sensors1.4004
Behaviour & Information Technology2.9004
Internet and Higher Education6.4004
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing10.604
International Journal of Robotics Research7.5004
European Journal of Operational Research6.0004
PeerJ Computer Science3.8004
Interactive Learning Environments3.7004
International Journal of Information Security2.4004