Future Internet
インパクト ・ ファクター:

Future Internet (ISSN 1999-5903) is a scholarly open access journal which provides an advanced forum for science and research concerned with evolution of Internet technologies and related smart systems for “Net-Living” development. The general reference subject is therefore the evolution towards the future internet ecosystem, which is feeding a continuous, intensive, artificial transformation of the lived environment, for a widespread and significant improvement of well-being in all spheres of human life (private, public, professional).

Results of interdisciplinary research are particularly welcome, since mutual connections and feedback within and among the stated macro-areas are increasingly required for an effective systematic diffuse enhancement of quality of life through Net-Living.


Macro-Area 1: Smart System Technologies and Architecture

Included topics are:

•    advanced communications network infrastructures
•    evolution of internet basic services
•    internet of things
•    netted peripheral sensors
•    industrial internet
•    centralized and distributed data centers
•    embedded computing
•    cloud computing
•    software defined network functions and network virtualization
•    cloud-let and fog-computing
•    big data, open data and analytical tools
•    cyber-physical systems
•    network and distributed operating systems
•    web services
•    semantic structures and related software tools
•    artificial and augmented intelligence
•    augmented reality
•    system interoperability and flexible service composition
•    smart mission-critical system architectures
•    smart terminals and applications
•    pro-sumer tools for application design and development
•    cyber security compliance
•    privacy compliance
•    reliability compliance
•    dependability compliance
•    accountability compliance
•    trust compliance
•    technical quality of basic services

Macro-Area 2: Smart Systems and Applications

Included topics are:

•    smart mobility and transportation systems
•    smart utility systems
•    smart energy systems
•    smart living places
•    smart public government systems
•    smart health-care systems
•    smart systems for public security and safety
•    smart social assistance systems
•    smart geo-information and environmental monitoring systems
•    smart information-communications-knowledge delivery social systems
•    smart learning systems
•    smart manufacturing lines
•    smart liquid-enterprises
•    smart financial, payments and insurance systems
•    smart leisure systems
•    smart systems for cultural heritage conservation and fruition
•    smart city
•    application of new socio-economic systemic models for net-Living

Macro-Area 3: Net-Living Human Factors and Quality of Life enhancement

Included topics are:

•    human-computer interaction and usability
•    subjective human and social factors for well-being through Net-Living
•    end-user-centered design
•    end-user constructive pro-activity enabling
•    social inclusion and cohesion enabling approaches
•    net-living lifestyling personalization and optimization
•    quality of experience
•    living-labs
•    basic and vocational net-living education
最終更新 Dou Sun 2024-08-25
CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
cFuture Generation Computer Systems6.200Elsevier0167-739X
ACM/IMS Journal of Data ScienceACM2831-3194
Games and Culture2.400SAGE1555-4120
bIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology8.300IEEE1051-8215
Computational Materials Science3.100Elsevier0927-0256
cPervasive and Mobile Computing3.000Elsevier1574-1192
bACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications5.200ACM1551-6857
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies2.900IEEE1939-1382
VLSI DesignHindawi1065-514X
cDiscrete & Computational Geometry0.600Springer0179-5376
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ICET'International Conference on Engineering and Technology2013-12-152014-01-152014-04-19
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P2PTMInternational Conference on Peer-to-Peer Networks and Trust Management2023-10-212023-11-042021-11-27
SPLASHACM Conference on Systems, Programming, and Applications: Software for Humanity2024-04-25 2024-10-20
cb3WICONInternational ICST Wireless Internet Conference2020-06-012020-07-102020-12-15
PEARCPractice & Experience in Advanced Research Computing Conference2022-02-182022-03-252022-07-10
ASSHRInternational Conference on Applied Social Science and Humanities Research2022-03-16 2022-07-17
ACSInternational Conference on Advances in Computer Science2013-01-142013-02-042013-04-10