Journal Information
Cognitive Processing
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Aims and scope

Cognitive Processing - International Quarterly of Cognitive Science is a double-blind peer-reviewed international journal that aims to promote interdisciplinary communication and research in the multidisciplinary field of cognitive science.

Cognitive Processing publishes research on cognition in all fields of cognitive science, including behavioral sciences, neurosciences, and sciences of the artificial. Topic areas include cognition in basic and higher mental processes (perception, attention, emotion, memory, mental imagery, thinking, language, decision making, etc.), in human development, in communication, and in social interaction.

Cognitive Processing publishes papers under the following rubrics:

    Reviews survey and discuss the recent scientific literature on specific topics.
    Research Articles present new results from experimental or theoretical research.
    Opinion Papers and Commentaries present new and potentially fruitful ideas or argue for a different point of view on published articles or controversial topics.

Cognitive Processing is a Transformative Journal (TJ). When research is accepted for publication, authors can choose to publish using either the traditional publishing route OR via immediate gold Open Access. Check your funding options at 

93% of authors who answered a survey reported that they would definitely publish or probably publish in the journal again.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-21
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