Journal Information
Journal of Materiomics Factor: |
8.400 |
Publisher: |
Elsevier |
2352-8478 |
Viewed: |
415 |
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0 |
Call For Papers
The Journal of Materiomics aims to provide a continuous forum for the dissemination of research in the general field of materials science, particularly systematic studies of the relationships among composition, processing, structure, property, and performance of advanced materials. Supported by the Chinese Ceramic Society, the Journal of Materiomics is a peer-reviewed open-access journal, indexed in SCIE and Scopus. The abbreviated title of this journal is J Materiomics. The following aspects of the science and engineering of advanced inorganic materials are of particular interest: (1) Functional materials, including ferroelectrics, piezoelectrics, multiferroics, magnetics; semiconductors, optoelectronic and electronic materials, etc. (2) Advanced energy materials for applications in solar energy, battery, fuel cell, thermoelectric conversion, hydrogen storage, etc. (3) Advanced structural ceramics including ceramic composite materials. (4) Nano-scale and low dimensional materials towards promising applications for nanotechnology and environmental science. (5) Multi-scale design and characterization of advanced functional materials.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2025-01-04
Special Issues
Special Issue on Disruptive New Concepts in ThermoelectricitySubmission Date: 2025-04-30Guest editors: Assoc. Prof. Dario Narducci University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy Prof. Kunihito Koumoto Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Japan Asst. Prof. Prashun GoraiColorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, USA Special issue information: Over the last few years, alongside a remarkable effort to improve the efficiency and reliabilityof various classes of thermoelectric materials, several novel ideas have surfaced to overcome factors limiting heat conversion and refrigeration. On the materials side, high-entropy alloys and Ni-based metallic alloys are reshaping the conventional view of the characteristics an optimal thermoelectric material should have. Additionally, ionic thermoelectrics (including ionogels) have demonstrated strong potential to compete with conventional semiconductors in the low-to-medium temperature range. On a more fundamental level, topological insulators have significantly impacted the theoretical design of thermoelectric materials, while at the device level, evidence suggests greater efficiency can be achieved using the anomalous Nernst effect in place of the Seebeck effect to convert heat into electrical power. Furthermore, recent results highlight the enhancement of power output through non-conventional shaping of thermoelectric legs. Overall, thermoelectric research appears to be on the cusp of a new breakthrough, potentially comparable to the nanotechnology revolution it underwent in the 1990s. Considering such recent advancements, we organize a special issue dedicated to “Disruptive New Concepts in Thermoelectricity” in the Journal of Materiomics, to be published in 2025. This special issue will provide readers with a collection of high-level perspective papers written by leading experts in each area, summarizing the state of the art in the field. Journal of Materiomics (JMAT), indexed in SCI (Impact Factor of 8.4 in 2023) and Scopus (Citescore of 14.3), is a leading academic journal that publishes cutting-edge research in the general field of materials science, particularly systematic studies of the relationships among composition, processing, structure, property, and performance of advanced materials. The topics that the special issue will include, but not be limited to: Anomalous Nernst Effect Double Half-Heusler Compounds Breaking Valence-Balanced Rule Flexible Thermoelectric Devices Grain Boundary Engineering High-Entropy Alloys Ionic Thermoelectrics Ni-Based Thermoelectric Alloys Novel Concepts in Selenides and Sulfides Shape-Optimized Thermoelectric Devices Topological Insulators Papers are invited also to report on less known disruptive new concepts in thermoelectricity. Manuscript submission information: Authors should prepare their manuscripts following the online submission page of Journal of Materiomics at All manuscripts willbe peer-reviewed according to the journal reviewing procedures. Important Dates: Manuscript submission due date: April 30th, 2025 Publication date before September 30th, 2025 Keywords: Anomalous Nernst Effect Double Half-Heusler Compounds Breaking Valence-Balanced Rule Flexible Thermoelectric Devices Grain Boundary Engineering High-Entropy Alloys Ionic Thermoelectrics Ni-Based Thermoelectric Alloys Novel Concepts in Selenides and Sulfides Shape-Optimized Thermoelectric Devices Topological Insulators
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2025-01-04