| | | 6GN | EAI International Conference on 6G for Future Wireless Networks | 2019-12-13 | 2020-01-13 | 2020-04-03 | Tianjin, China | 3 | 10237 |
| | | ICICC | International Conference on Intelligent Control and Computing | 2018-11-25 | 2018-12-05 | 2019-01-12 | Guangzhou, China | 2 | 10233 |
| | | Allerton | Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing | 2016-07-08 | 2016-08-08 | 2016-09-28 | Monticello, Illinois, USA | 54 | 10232 |
| | | ICBTA | International Conference on Blockchain Technology and Applications | 2020-11-01 | 2020-11-14 | 2020-12-14 | Xi an, China | 3 | 10230 |
| | | SOEN | International Conference on Software Engineering | 2023-07-08 | 2023-07-15 | 2023-07-22 | Toronto, Ontario, Canada | 8 | 10229 |
| | b5 | ICMIC' | International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control | 2014-09-01 | 2014-09-15 | 2014-12-03 | Melbourne, Australia | 6 | 10228 |
| | | ICITE' | International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Engineering | 2024-08-05 | 2024-09-20 | 2024-10-18 | Xi an, China | 9 | 10226 |
| | | ICIAfS | International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability | 2014-10-01 | 2014-10-20 | 2014-12-22 | Colombo, Sri Lanka | 7 | 10225 |
| | | ISCISAT | International Seminar on Computer Information Science and Application Technology | 2018-09-23 | | 2018-09-28 | Zhuhai, China | 3 | 10224 |
| | | ICMTT | International Conference on Microwave and Terahertz Technology | 2024-06-14 | | 2025-01-04 | Sanya, China | 8 | 10224 |
| | | ISSRMET | International Conference on Information System Security, Risk Management, and E-Commerce Transactions | 2015-09-14 | | 2015-10-14 | Dubai, UAE | | 10222 |
| | | IRCE | IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robotic and Control Engineering | 2018-06-25 | 2018-07-10 | 2018-07-28 | Lanzhou, China | | 10217 |
| | | PRAI | International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence | 2021-07-10 | 2021-07-25 | 2021-08-21 | Chongqing, China | 4 | 10214 |
| | | ICGI | International Conference on Green Informatics | 2017-04-25 | 2017-05-12 | 2017-08-15 | Fuzhou, China | | 10212 |
| | | RACES | Relaxing Synchronization for Multicore and Manycore Scalability | 2012-08-06 | 2012-09-14 | 2012-10-21 | Tucson, Arizona, USA | | 10212 |
| | | HNICEM | International Conference on Humanoid, Nanotechnology, Information Technology, Communication and Control, Environment, and Management | 2017-10-30 | 2017-10-15 | 2017-12-01 | Manila, Philippines | 9 | 10202 |
| | | ICAR' | International Conference on Applied Research in Computer Science & Engineering | 2015-08-15 | 2015-09-01 | 2015-10-08 | Baabda, Lebanon | | 10197 |
| | | ICSIS | International Conference on Software and Information Systems | 2015-02-15 | 2015-03-15 | 2015-05-09 | Las Vegas, Nevada, USA | | 10192 |
| | | Cyber Security | International Conference on Cyber Security and Protection of Digital Services | 2020-05-10 | | 2020-06-15 | Dublin, Ireland | 5 | 10190 |
| | | ICAMCS' | International Conference on Applied Mathematics & Computational Science | 2020-09-25 | | 2020-10-26 | Venice, Italy | | 10188 |
| | | IIH-MSP | International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing | 2018-06-30 | 2018-07-31 | 2018-11-26 | Sendai, Japan | 14 | 10181 |
| | | AfricaCrypt | International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Security and Cryptography | 2020-02-16 | 2020-04-15 | 2020-07-20 | Cairo, Egypt | 12 | 10179 |
| | | DFRWS EU | Digital Forensics Research Conference EU | 2024-09-20 | 2024-11-27 | 2025-04-01 | Brno, Czech Republic | | 10179 |
| | | EEEN | International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering | 2023-07-08 | 2023-07-12 | 2023-07-15 | Online | 7 | 10179 |
| | | ICNME | International Conference on Nanomaterials and Materials Engineering | 2020-11-20 | 2020-11-30 | 2020-12-25 | Chengdu, China | 8 | 10178 |
| | | NLPI | International Conference on NLP & Information Retrieval | 2023-09-02 | 2023-09-11 | 2023-09-23 | Toronto, Ontario, Canada | 4 | 10178 |
| | | APCET | Asia Pacific Conference on Emerging Technologies | 2015-05-15 | 2015-07-15 | 2015-10-14 | Singapore | | 10175 |
| | | ITA | International Conference on Information Technology and Applications | 2017-05-20 | | 2017-05-26 | Guangzhou, China | 4 | 10171 |
| | | RO-MAN | IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication | 2018-03-19 | | 2018-08-27 | Nanjing, China | 27 | 10166 |
| | | UbiSafe | IEEE International Symposium on UbiSafe Computing | 2016-05-10 | 2016-06-10 | 2016-08-23 | Tianjin, China | 8 | 10166 |