CCF: Conference Rank (A, B, C) from China Computer Federation (2022)
CORE: Conference Rank (A*, A, B, C) from Computing Research and Education Association of Australasia (2020)
QUALIS: Conference Rank (A1, A2, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5) from Brazilian Classification System for Conferences and Journals (2016)
Displaying 341-360 of 582 results.
CCFCOREQUALISShortFull NameConferenceLocationYearsViewed
ICHORAInternational Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications2025-05-23Ankara, Turkiye7738
CCCEInternational Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering2025-05-23Helsinki, Finland5652
bb1DASFAAInternational Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications2025-05-25Singapore30208033
ca1ISCASInternational Symposium on Circuits and Systems2025-05-25London, UK91916
cb1ISORCInternational Symposium on Real-time Distributed Computing2025-05-26Toulouse, France2822883
cca1FGInternational Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition2025-05-26Clearwater, Florida, USA1936466
bb1WiOptInternational Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks2025-05-26Linkoping, Sweden2332253
cb2ETSEuropean Test Symposium2025-05-26Tallinn, Estonia3028890
ICHMSIEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems2025-05-26Abu Dhabi, UAE510737
ETRAACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications2025-05-26Tokyo, Japan1734849
ICMLCNIEEE International Conference on Machine Learning for Communication and Networking2025-05-26Barcelona, Spain23812
cab3WoWMoMInternational Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks2025-05-27Fort Worth, Texas, USA2665201
cbb2GMPGeometric Modeling and Processing2025-05-28St. Louis, Missouri, USA1933564
cb1CFInternational Conference on Computing Frontiers2025-05-28Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy2241442
CESEEInternational Conference on Chemical, Energy Science and Environmental Engineering2025-05-28Leuven, Belgium35325
BDPCInternational Conference on Big Data and Privacy Computing2025-05-30Fuzhou, China3605
caa1ESWCExtended Semantic Web Conference2025-06-01Portoroz, Slovenia2232963
RCVEInternational Conference on Robotics, Control and Vision Engineering2025-06-01Paris, France34249
bbb1EuroVisEurographics/IEEE-VGTC Symposium on Visualization2025-06-02Luxembourg2731670
cb3CASAInternational Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents2025-06-02Strasbourg, France3836021
Displaying 341-360 of 582 results.
ShortFull NameConference
ICHORAInternational Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications2025-05-23
CCCEInternational Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering2025-05-23
DASFAAInternational Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications2025-05-25
ISCASInternational Symposium on Circuits and Systems2025-05-25
ISORCInternational Symposium on Real-time Distributed Computing2025-05-26
FGInternational Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition2025-05-26
WiOptInternational Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks2025-05-26
ETSEuropean Test Symposium2025-05-26
ICHMSIEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems2025-05-26
ETRAACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications2025-05-26
ICMLCNIEEE International Conference on Machine Learning for Communication and Networking2025-05-26
WoWMoMInternational Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks2025-05-27
GMPGeometric Modeling and Processing2025-05-28
CFInternational Conference on Computing Frontiers2025-05-28
CESEEInternational Conference on Chemical, Energy Science and Environmental Engineering2025-05-28
BDPCInternational Conference on Big Data and Privacy Computing2025-05-30
ESWCExtended Semantic Web Conference2025-06-01
RCVEInternational Conference on Robotics, Control and Vision Engineering2025-06-01
EuroVisEurographics/IEEE-VGTC Symposium on Visualization2025-06-02
CASAInternational Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents2025-06-02
Displaying 171-180 of 4368 results.
CCFCOREQUALISShortFull NameConferenceLocationYearsViewed
bb2MUMInternational Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia2024-12-01Stockholm, Sweden2314900
bb2QSHINEInternational Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness2024-11-30Hangzhou, China2014085
b4NASInternational Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage2024-11-29Zhuhai, China1724011
IMHCIInternational Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing and Human-Computer Interaction2024-11-29Zhuzhou, China2414
ICCAIDInternational Conference on Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing2024-11-29Harbin, China43967
GIRSTInternational Conference on Geographic Information and Remote Sensing Technology2024-11-29Rome, Italy31260
CBDIEEE International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data2024-11-28Brisbane, Australia1230235
CloudNetInternational Conference on Cloud Networking2024-11-27Rio de Janeiro, Brazil1321981
MLNInternational Conference on Machine Learning for Networking2024-11-27Reims, France79179
CCESGInternational Joint Conference on Clean Energy and Smart Grid2024-11-27Sydney, Australia13683