Conference Information
ECSA 2025: European Conference on Software Architecture
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Limassol, Cyprus
CORE: a   QUALIS: b3   Viewed: 13288   Tracked: 3   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA) is the premier European software architecture conference, providing researchers, practitioners, and educators with a platform to present and discuss the most recent, innovative, and significant findings and experiences in the field of software architecture research and practice. 

The 19th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2025) will be held from September 15 to 19, 2025. ECSA 2025 is planned as an in-person conference taking place in the beautiful city of Limassol (Cyprus).


The theme for ECSA 2025 is “impactful software architecture”. The software architecture discipline has had a critical role in shaping robust, scalable, and maintainable systems. We are interested in learning about software architecture principles and practices, emergence trends and case studies highlighting strategic architectural choices that can lead to enhanced performance, improved collaboration, and long-term sustainability. The overarching question is how these architectural principles and practices, both well-established and emerging, are making an impact in real-world systems, and how that impact is being felt across various domains, from enterprise systems to more novel areas like, e.g., AI-driven or autonomous applications? 

The Program Committee of 19th European Conference on Software Architecture seeks submissions of original and unpublished high-quality papers describing fundamental and applied research; new methods, approaches, and processes; novel applications; education and training in software architecture; and experience reports on all topics related to software architecture. 

We particularly encourage papers that demonstrate that diversity in gender, culture, religion, country, etc. are key factors for success and innovation in software architecture.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    Foundational principles of software architecture
    Relationship of requirements engineering and software architecture
    Quality attributes and software architectures
    Architecture practices for secure, explainable, and trustworthy software
    Architecture design and analysis
    Architecture description languages and meta-models
    Architecture verification and validation
    Management of architectural knowledge, decisions, and rationale
    Architecture patterns, styles, and tactics; reference architectures
    Architecture viewpoints and views
    Architecture conformance
    Software architecture virtualization and visualization
    Architecture-centric process models and frameworks
    Software architecture and agile, incremental, iterative, and continuous development
    Component-based models and deployment; middleware
    Software architecture and system architecture
    Software tools and environments for architecture-centric software engineering
    Ethics, cultural, economic, business, social, human, and managerial aspects of software architecture
    Architecture and technical debt
    Architecting for sustainable and environment friendly systems 
    Applying AI and LLMs in software architecture and architecting for AI and LLM intensive systems. 
    Software architecture education
    Cross-disciplinary approaches to software architecture
    Architectures for reconfigurable and self-adaptive systems
    Architectural concerns of autonomic systems
    Software architecture applied to new and emerging areas, such as the cloud/edge, big data, blockchain, cyber-physical systems, IoT, autonomous systems, systems-of-systems, energy-aware software, quantum computing, AI-enabled systems
    Empirical studies, systematic literature reviews, and mapping studies in software architecture
    Diversity, equity, and inclusion in activities related to software architecture
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-10-23
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