Conference Information
RESPECT 2025: Conference for Research on Equitable and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology Date: |
2025-01-31 |
Notification Date: |
2025-04-07 |
Conference Date: |
2025-07-14 |
Location: |
Raleigh, North Carolina, USA |
Viewed: 892 Tracked: 0 Attend: 0
Call For Papers
The ACM Conference on Research in Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT) conference is the premier venue for research on equity, inclusion, and justice in computing and computing education. This year’s theme is Designing an Accessible Future for Equitable Computer Science. This is the 10th anniversary of the RESPECT conference and 2025 is also the fiftieth anniversary of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. These anniversaries offer a chance to reflect on the progress we’ve made, as a community and with respect to disability inclusion, and an opportunity to envision the future of equity work. We can’t wait any longer to reflect on how the RESPECT and larger broadening participation in the computing (BPC) community can design an accessible future for students with disabilities. Some of the questions we will tackle are: How can we work together to design an accessible future for disabled individuals in computing education and careers? As we think about equitable and sustained participation in engineering, computing, and technology, how do we support other groups that get little attention in BPC efforts? Since research in this area is inherently interdisciplinary, the conference invites contributions from sociology, learning sciences, cognitive and/or social psychology, feminist theory, gender studies, educational leadership and policy, human-computer interaction, as well as computer science education and related disciplines. Additionally, recognizing the important role that educators, students, and other community members play as partners in equity-focused efforts, RESPECT 2025 welcomes the participation of those who have not traditionally identified as “researchers” to present, including teachers, students, advocates, and policy-makers. Introduction We invite submissions to RESPECT 2025 in three submission tracks: Research papers, Experience Reports, and Perspectives papers. Research Papers: Research papers are completed works or works in progress that describe empirical studies of broadening participation research and are expected to be original work. Broadening participation research is inherently interdisciplinary; as such related literature and theory may be drawn from computer science education, education, learning sciences, cognitive or social psychology, social sciences, and other related disciplines. (Full paper: 8 pages; Works in progress: 4 pages). Experience Reports: Experience reports are completed works or works in progress that describe an educational or outreach approach, curricula, program, or initiative that focused on and impacted at least one underrepresented population in computing. Experience reports differ from research in that they usually lack a theoretical framework, research design methodology, and/or analysis to support the evaluation of the impact of the experiences reported. All submissions in this track should provide a rich reflection on what worked, what didn’t, and possible explanations as to why in enough detail to allow for others to adopt the approach/curricula/program/initiative. (Full paper: 8 pages; Works in progress: 4 pages). Perspectives (new): Perspectives papers should communicate new ideas, reflections, or provocations within and beyond our current discourse on equity-based computing and computing education. They may also present a concise summary of a timely, relevant issue or an evergreen issue to computing equity. The Perspectives track combines prior perspectives tracks (in 2024 and 2023) that were more focused on a single issue. Prospective authors may be informed by the examples set by the accepted works in those tracks. Submissions in this track must be grounded in theoretical literature and sufficient references to support the perspective presented must be included. Acceptance will be based on the degree to which the reviewers find the perspective to be convincing, well-supported in the literature, timely, and coherent. (6 pages maximum) Please review the specific track submission instructions below to find the best fit for your work and to ensure your submission meets track expectations. Abstract and Anonymized Paper Submissions will be made through EasyChair. Link and templates to come. Camera Ready Submissions for accepted submissions will be managed by Sheridan Communications. Details to come.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-11-24