Conference Information
AIDE 2025: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering Date: |
2024-11-10 |
Notification Date: |
2024-12-25 |
Conference Date: |
2025-02-06 |
Location: |
Karnataka, India |
Viewed: 1816 Tracked: 0 Attend: 0
Call For Papers
AIDE-2025 is being organized by N.M.A.M. Institute of Technology, Nitte, Karnataka, India. A series of Keynote Talks, followed by paper presentations have been planned to foster strong networking among the delegates. AIDE-2025 solicits paper submissions across four tracks as listed below. Kindly note that the submissions are not limited to the topics mentioned in each track. To submit papers, you can log into your CMT at : Scope Topics of interest include all aspects of Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering including, but not limited to: Artitficial Intelligence Deep Learning Neural Networks Machine Learning Computational Intelligence Cognitive Computing Fuzzy Logic Expert Systems Brain-machine Interfaces Ant Colony Optimization Natural Language Processing Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Cloud Computing Machine Vision & Robotics Human Computer Interaction Pattern Recognition Computer Vision Geographic Information Systems Signal Processing Segmentation Techniques Augmented Reality Virtual Reality Humanoid Robots Autonomous Robots Mobile Robots Walking and Climbing Robots Ambient Intelligence Smart Cities Smart Healthcare Smart Agriculture Internet Of Things Ubiquitous Computing Affective Computing Ambient Assisted Living Intelligent Transportation Agents and Multi-agent Systems Sensing and Sensor Networks Intelligent Database System Data Engineering Big Data Challenge Data Science High Performance Computing Data Warehousing System Architecture Data Mining And Knowledge Discovery Data Privacy and Security Distributed, Parallel, and P2P Data Processing and Management Information Extraction and Retrieval Data Visualization and Interactive Data Exploration Scalable Analytics, Graph Data, Web Data and Social Networks Strings, Texts, and Keyword Search Benchmarking, Performance Modelling, and Tuning
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-10-07