AIR' 2024: Artificial Intelligence Revolutions Conference
2024-07-31 Extended
Roanne, France
浏览: 800   关注: 0   参加: 0

Authors are invited to submit full papers describing original research works in areas including, but are not limited to:

    Track 1: Fundamentals and Theories 
    Chair: Jaafar Gaber (France)

    Theoretical Advances in AI Algorithms
    Machine Learning
    Neural Networks and Deep Learning
    Multi-Agent Systems
    Statistical Learning and Probability in AI
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Theories
    Symbolic AI and Knowledge Representation
    Explainable AI (XAI)
    Generative AI
    Cognitive Architectures
    Human-AI Collaboration and Augmentation
    Reinforcement Learning Theories
    Protocols and Communication
    Collaborative Environments
    Multi-user and Distributed Systems
    AI and Digital Transformation
    Mobile AI
    Computer Vision
    Simulation and Virtual Environments
    AI in Design Thinking and Creativity
    AI-driven Innovation Models
    Swarm Intelligence and Collective AI
    The Future of Human-Machine Interaction
    Programming Languages
    Integrations with emerging technologies 

    Track 2: AI and Sustainability
    Chair: Tao Wang (France)

    Circular Economy and AI
    Eco-friendly AI Hardware Design
    Green Computing: Sustainable Data Centers
    Biodiversity Monitoring with AI
    AI for Clean Energy Grids
    Sustainable Transportation Solutions
    Eco-labeling for AI Products
    Climate Resilience and AI Applications
    Water Resource Management with AI
    Renewable Energy Forecasting with AI
    Carbon Footprint Reduction Strategies
    Smart Buildings and Energy Efficiency
    Waste Sorting and Recycling Automation
    Sustainable Manufacturing with AI
    Eco-conscious Consumer Behavior Analysis
    Climate Data Analytics
    Natural Disaster Preparedness and Response
    Green Supply Chain Management
    Ocean Conservation with AI
    Urban Green Spaces Planning
    AI-driven Pollution Monitoring
    Sustainable Tourism with AI
    E-waste Recycling Innovation
    AI and energy
    AI in Environmental Monitoring

    Track 3: AI Transformative Applications
    Chair: Lamia Berrah (France)

    Algorithmic Trading and Market Predictions
    Inclusive Finance
    AI for Financial Inclusion
    AI for marine applications
    AI in Public Health Management
    Personalized Medicine and AI Diagnosis
    Predictive Analytics in Epidemiology
    Smart Infrastructure in Urban Development
    Precision Agriculture and AI
    AI-based Disaster Response and Recovery
    AI in Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response
    AI-driven Climate Resilient Infrastructure
    Smart Traffic Management with AI
    Blockchain in Agriculture Supply Chains
    AI for Earthquake Prediction
    Remote Learning Optimization with AI
    AI in Refugee Aid and Resettlement
    Smart Grids and AI for Energy Distribution
    Autonomous Vehicles
    AI for Urban Planning and Construction

    Track 4: AI for Drones and UAS
    Chairs: N. Jabeur | R. Al Khattab (Oman | USA)

    Sustainable Drone Fleet Management
    AI-powered Urban Air Mobility Solutions
    Innovative Air Traffic Flow Optimization
    Green Technologies
    AI-driven Weather Resilience in Air Traffic
    Eco-conscious Drone Traffic Control
    Sustainable Communication Networks
    AI Drone-based Surveillance
    Ethical AI in Emergency Response for Drones
    AI for Precision Agriculture Sustainability
    Human-Drone Collaboration
    Eco-friendly Package Delivery with Drones
    Sustainable AI-enhanced Search and Rescue
    Sustainable Drone Operations
    Inclusive and Sustainable Air Traffic Control
    AI in Environmental Monitoring
    AI for Wildlife Conservation
    Responsible Innovation for Air Traffic Safety
    AI-driven Noise Reduction
    Autonomous Space Probes 

    Track 5: AI and Education
    Chairs: R. Zantout | H. Nashash (Leb. | UAE)

    AI and student innovation
    Adaptive Learning Platforms
    Personalized Tutoring with AI
    Smart Classrooms and AI Integration
    Automated Grading and Assessment
    Virtual Reality (VR) and AI in Education
    AI for Learning Disabilities
    Gamification and AI
    Predictive Analytics in Education
    Ethical Considerations in AI Education
    AI-Enhanced Content Creation
    Chatbots and Virtual Assistants for Students
    AI for Early Childhood Education
    Language Learning with AI
    AI and Educational Research Measuring
    Educational Outcomes with AI
    Education Accessibility with AI
    Responsible AI Education and Training

    Track 6: Responsible AI
    Chair: Samia Gamoura (France)

    Fairness and Bias Mitigation in AI Algorithms
    Responsible AI Governance and Regulation
    Privacy-preserving AI Technologies
    Ethical Considerations in AI Decision-making
    Trustworthy AI: Building User Confidence
    Explainable AI for Ethical Decision Support
    AI for Social Justice and Inclusion
    Combating AI-generated Misinformation
    AI-driven Cybersecurity Threat Intelligence
    Secure AI Deployment
    AI Accountability and Liability
    Human Rights and AI
    Algorithmic Transparency and Accountability
    AI in Law and Legal Ethics
    Bias Detection and Mitigation Tools
    Cross-cultural Ethics in AI
    Digital Ethics in Virtual Environments
    Algorithmic Accountability in Criminal Justice
    AI for Mental Health Ethics
    Responsible Data Management in AI
    Human-centered AI Design
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