Información de la conferencia
ICN' 2023: International Conference on Intelligent Communication and Networking
Día de Entrega:
Fecha de Notificación:
Fecha de Conferencia:
Changzhou, China
Vistas: 2675   Seguidores: 0   Asistentes: 0

Solicitud de Artículos
✭Intelligent communication

Communication theory
Signal processing for communications
Wireless communications
Integrated sensing and communication
Ai-for-network and network-for-ai
Cloud and edge computing
Internet of things
Mobile and wireless networks
Next generation networking
Space-air-ground communication and networking
Maritime & underwater communication
Communication and information security


Cognitive radio and ai-enabled networks
Communication and information system security
Communications qos, reliability and modelling
Communications software and
Communication theory
Green communication systems and networks
IoT and sensor networks
Mobile and wireless networks
Next-generation networking and internet
Optical networks and systems
Signal processing for communications
Wireless communications
Aerial communications
Backhaul and fronthaul: communications, networking and signal processing
Big data
Cloud/edge computing, networking, and data storage
Integrated sensing and communication
Machine learning for communications
Molecular, biological and multi-scale communications
Quantum communications and computing
Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces
Satellite and space communications
Smart grid communications
Social networks
Terahertz communications

✭Communication Engineering

Computing Power Network (CPN) for 6G and Future Networks
Edge Intelligence for 6G Networks
Emerging Radio Access Network (ERAN) Technologies for B5G/6G
Holographic MIMO Communications
Integrated Sensing, Computation, and Communication for V2X
Information Theory and Coding for Future Wireless
Key Technologies of Low-Latency and High-Security Internet of Things
Optical Wireless Communications for 6G, WLANs and Beyond
Orthogonal Time Frequency Space Modulation (OTFS) for Reliable High-mobility Communications
Semantic Communications
Connected Autonomous Systems and Applications (CASA)
Última Actualización Por Dou Sun en 2023-07-01
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Revistas Relacionadas
CCFNombre CompletoFactor de ImpactoEditorISSN
Annals of Operations Research4.400Springer0254-5330
Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling2.700Elsevier1093-3263
International Journal of Security, Privacy and Trust Management AIRCC2319-4103
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory3.500Elsevier1569-190X
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems1.400Springer0924-6703
Modeling, Identification and ControlThe Research Council of Norway0332-7353
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing4.600IEEE1053-587X
Journal of Network and Systems Management4.100Springer1064-7570
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing1.800Springer0278-081X