Conference Information
DFRWS USA 2022: Digital Forensics Research Conference USA
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Call For Papers
Topics of Interest

DFRWS welcomes new perspectives that push the envelope of what is currently possible in digital forensic. Potential topics to be addressed by submissions include, but are not limited to:

    Machine learning and data mining for digital evidence extraction/query
    Malware and targeted attacks (analysis and attribution)
    Forensics analysis and visualization of Big Data
    Non-traditional forensic scenarios / contexts
    Network and distributed system forensics
    Mobile and embedded device forensics
    Cloud and virtualized environments
    Vehicle forensics (e.g., drones, cars)
    SCADA / industrial control systems
    Covert channels (e.g. TOR, VPN)
    Implanted medical devices
    Smart power grids
    Smart buildings
    Virtual currency
    Digital forensic preparedness / readiness
    Digital investigation case management
    Digital evidence sharing and exchange
    Digital forensic triage / survey
    Digital forensic tool validation
    Event reconstruction methods and tools
    Digital evidence and the law
    Case studies and trend reports
    Anti-forensics and anti-anti-forensics
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2022-01-26
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