CBFD 2021: International Conference on Computer, Blockchain and Financial Development
2021-04-20 Extended
Nanjing, China
閲覧: 6817   追跡: 0   出席: 0

The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:


Computer network
Computational ethics
Computer simulation
Neural network
Computer security
Image processing
Computer vision
Data compression
Data mining technology
Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence algorithm
Natural language processing
Fuzzy logic
Computer vision and image understanding
Signal and image processing
Speech and natural language processing
Computational learning theory
Information retrieval and fusion
Mobile computer processing technology
Human-computer interaction
Other related topics


Blockchain technology and system
Distributed consistency algorithms and protocols
Block chain performance
Information storage system
Blockchain scalability
Decentralized autonomous organization of blockchain
Security of blockchain system
Continue the security application of blockchain
Blockchain smart contract security
Blockchain encryption direction security
DNS Security Application
Design of data model
Transaction execution process
Network Communications
Optimization of consensus agreement
Consensus algorithm
Distributed identity
Commercial application of blockchain
Copyright and Internet content domain
Financial application in closed loop format
Self organized peer to peer collaboration
The theme of combination with Finance
Other related topics

Financial development (related to Computer Science)

financial innovation
Financial industry regulation
Digital assets
Supply chain financing
Money and Banking
International Finance
Corporate finance
Behavioral finance
Mathematical finance
Financial risk control
Financial market science
Corporate finance
Financial engineering
Combining with computer science
Other related topics
最終更新 Dou Sun 2021-03-24
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CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
bIEEE Transactions on Cybernetics9.400IEEE2168-2267
Applied Artificial Intelligence Taylor & Francis0883-9514
cJournal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence1.700Taylor & Francis0952-813X
Abstract and Applied Analysis Hindawi1085-3375
bPLoS Computational Biology Public Library of Science1553-734X
cIET Intelligent Transport Systems2.300IET1751-956X
cMachine Vision and Applications2.400Springer0932-8092
IEEE Transaction on Affective Computing IEEE1949-3045
cIET Signal Processing1.100IET1751-9675
完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics9.400IEEE
Applied Artificial Intelligence Taylor & Francis
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence1.700Taylor & Francis
Abstract and Applied Analysis Hindawi
PLoS Computational Biology Public Library of Science
IET Intelligent Transport Systems2.300IET
Machine Vision and Applications2.400Springer
IEEE Transaction on Affective Computing IEEE
IET Signal Processing1.100IET