NEPEE 2020: International Conference on New Energy, Power and Environmental Engineering
Xiamen, China
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High quality papers of the latest researches will be solicited and displayed, and some interested experts and scholars will be invited to participate in NEPEE2020. All submissions will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, relevance to conference, contributions, and readability. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Topic 1: Research and Application of New Energy

Energy and Environment
Clean Energy Technology
Hydrogen Fuel Cell
Renewable Energy
New Energy Vehicles
Wind and Solar Energy Technologies
Geothermal and Tidal Wave Energy
Energy Safety and Clean Utilization
Smart grids and Sustainable Energy
Sustainable Coal Energy and Clean Technology
New Energy Conversion and Control Technology
New Energy Design Planning and Power Prediction
New Energy Grid-connected and Off-grid Technology

Topic 2: Power Engineering

Wind Power Generation and Utilization
Advanced Power Generation Technologies
Leakage Protection
Power Disaster and Protection
Waste Products as Fuel
Electrical Machines & Drives
Tidal Power Plant Design
Power and Energy System Applications
Modeling and Simulation of Large Power Systems
Renewable Energy and Distributed Generation
Safe Nuclear Energy Generation and Utilization
Thermal Power Technologies and Applications

Topic 3: Environmental Engineering

Nanotechnology for Environmental Applications
Clean Energy and Sustainability
Hazardous Substances Risk Assessment
Environment and Sustainable development
Ecology and Ecosystem Management
Environmental Data Analysis and Modelling
Hydrology and Water Resources Management
Marine Environment and Coastal Management
Sustainable Tourism and the Environment
Environmental Impact of the Energetic Conversion Systems
Integrated Ecosystems Management
Environmental Restoration and Ecological Engineering
Photocatalytic Degradation of Emerging Pollutants
最終更新 Dou Sun 2020-10-17
CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society5.700IEEE2644-1268
IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society5.200IEEE2644-1284
Journal of the Franklin Institute3.700Elsevier0016-0032
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems1.800Taylor & Francis1387-3954
Cryptography and Communications1.200Springer1936-2447
Information Systems and e-Business Management2.300Springer1617-9846
International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications4.500Taylor & Francis1367-5567
cJournal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence1.700Taylor & Francis0952-813X
Applied Soft Computing7.200Elsevier1568-4946
bSpeech Communication2.400Elsevier0167-6393