Eurasia Graphics 2020: Eurasiagraphics
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Eurasiagraphics is a successful international conference series organization which aims to bring together researchers, students and the industry practitioners in order to disseminate research activities and novel ideas on Computer Graphics and its related sub-areas. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the conference will be held online this year using a video conferencing platform. The organizing committee will do their best to stay faithful to regular conference programme  including all paper presentations and keynotes.

We invite research contributions in the form of a full paper of up to 8 pages in length or as short paper of up to 4 pages in length. The posters that represent the ideas for participation and collaboration are also welcome. They should be printed on paper size A0 portrait (84.1cm x 118.9cm). 

All papers and posters will be published in the conference proceedings. an international jury will also assign the best paper award. We are in the process of communicating with some indexed journal editors for publishing the extended version of selected papers in a special issue.

Articles submitted to Eurasia Graphics 2020 (Online) should not be submitted to another journal, or conference or workshop during the review period. In such a case, the paper will be rejected without review. Authors must use the manuscript template in A4 paper format specified for IEEE Conference proceedings:

IEEE Proceeding Template

We encourage submissions in all areas of:

    Computer Graphics
    Visual Computing
    Physically-Based Simulations
    Digital Game Technologies
    Virtual Reality
    Augmented Reality

and related disciplines.
最后更新 Dou Sun 在 2020-06-30
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