Conference Information
IC5G 2019: International Conference on 5G
Submission Date:
2019-09-10 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Tokyo, Japan
Viewed: 7502   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
A new generation in cellular mobile and wireless communications will be commercialized in 2020, which is referred to as the fifth generation (5G) systems. Wide range of applications and services are expected to be enabled by the introduction of the 5G. Most importantly, 5G will serve as the enabling architecture and standard for Internet of Things (IoT) systems, Low Power-Wide Area networks, high-speed cellular systems. This can serve wide range of wireless applications with needs of few bits per seconds and extended geographic areas coverage with delay-sensitive communications to communications with gigabits per seconds with very low latency and delay in terms of milliseconds.

5G is expected to utilize and exploit new technologies, techniques and protocols at the different communication layers including software-defined radio, massive antenna systems, Beamforming, MIMO systems, mmWave and optical communications, utilizing higher frequency bands, green networking and communications, small-scale cells, performance-energy efficient communications protocols, etc.

IC5G aims to investigate the opportunities and in all aspects of 5G based systems and related technologies. In addition, it seeks for novel contributions that help mitigating 5G challenges. It co-located with 2019 The 3rd International Conference on Telecommunications and Communication Engineering, to be held in Tokyo University of Science, Japan, during November 9-12, 2019. It provides opportunity for audiences to discuss and exchange new ideas, novel results and experience on all aspects of 5G systems and communications.

Call for Papers

Researchers are encouraged to submit original research contributions in all major areas, which include, but not limited to:

        5G applications, services and Testbeds
        5G Architecture and design
        Coordinated and small-scale cell communications
        Device-to-Device Communications and networking
        Dynamic Beamforming techniques
        Free Space Optical communications
        Green networking in 5G
        Heterogenous cells and communications
        IoT networking in 5G
        Massive MIMO Communications
        Millimeter wave communications
        PHY, MAC , routing novel communication protocols for 5G
        Security and privacy for 5G
        Social-aware 5G networks
        Software Defined Radio and Dynamic
        Spectrum Access in 5G Networking
        Spectrum utilization and sharing


Accepted and presented papers will be include in ACM Proceedings (ISBN:978-1-4503-7180-3), include in ACM Digital Library, Scopus and Ei compendex.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-09-01
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