Conference Information
Cloud Summit 2024: IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Fog Computing Technologies and Applications
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Washington DC, USA
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Call For Papers

The IEEE Cloud Summit conference was initialized in 2017. After seven consecutive successful years, Cloud Summit has grown to become a flagship conference with high-quality academic research presentations and industrial best practices. Cloud Summit conference features close interactions between industry and academia. It also features well-known researchers in cloud and edge computing, as well as industrial Cloud providers and practitioners.

The IEEE Cloud Summit 2024 is technically sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Cloud Computing (TCCLD) and hosted at the Catholic University of America.

In addition to keynote speeches, academic research paper presentations and poster sessions, the conference program features an industry track with invited talks and tutorials on cloud, fog, and big data techniques, as well as their applications in industries, presented by industry experts. The conference will provide networking opportunities to the stakeholders from across the world in the field of cloud and fog computing.

Paper and Posters

All accepted and presented papers/poster abstracts in IEEE Cloud Summit will be published in the conference proceedings by IEEE Computer Society’s Conference Publishing Services (CPS) and included in the IEEE Xplore.

The conference is organized with the following three tracks:

    Track 1: Algorithm and Software

        Machine Learning & AI with Cloud/Fog 
        Big Data Analytics
        QoS in Cloud and Fog Computing 
        Cloud Forensics 
        Security and Privacy in Cloud/Fog

    Track 2: System and Networking

        Mobile Edge/Fog Computing System
        Cloud-based Cyber-Physical System
        Serverless Computing and Microservices
        Cloud/Data center Networking
        Energy/power efficiency

    Track 3: Cloud/Edge Applications

        Cloud Applications 
        Fog-Cloud Interaction
        Low-Latency Edge Applications
        Emerging Industry Products
        Human and machine interaction
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2023-12-02
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