Conference Information
COBEM 2019: ABCM International Congress of Mechanical Engineering
Submission Date:
2019-04-01 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Uberlandia, Brazil
Viewed: 9056   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The following thematic areas have been defined within the scope of COBEM 2019. While submitting their abstracts, authors must ascribe the area  which best matches the content of their papers.
Aerospace Engineering

    Aerospace Structures
    Control Systems and Aeroelasticity
    Flight Dynamics


    Assistive Technologies
    Biofluids Dynamics e Bioheat Transfer
    Biomaterials and Biotribology
    Biorobotics and Artificial Intelligence
    Implants, Orthoses and Prostheses

Combustion and Environmental Engineering

    Detonations, Explosions, and Supersonic Combustion
    Fire Research
    Gas Turbine and Rocket Engine Combustion
    Gas-Phase Reaction Kinetics
    Internal Combustion Engines
    Laminar Flames
    Other Concepts
    Solid Fuel Combustion
    Soot, Nanomaterials, and Large Molecules
    Spray, Droplet, and Supercritical Combustion
    Stationary Combustion Systems and Control of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
    Turbulent Flames

Dynamics, Control, Vibrations and Acoustics

    Acoustics and Vibroacoustics
    Control of Mechanical and Robotic Systems
    Multibody Systems
    Nonlinear Dynamics
    Robotics and Mechatronic Systems
    Smart Structures
    Structural Dynamics
    Vehicle Dynamics

Education Symposium (ENACEM)
Energy and Thermal Sciences

    Applied Heat and Mass Transfer
    Computational Intelligence Applied to Thermal Systems
    Heat and Mass Transfer Fundamentals
    Numerical Heat Transfer
    Renewable Energy
    Thermodynamics and Thermal Systems
    Thermo-Economic Analysis and Energy Policy

Fluid Mechanics and Rheology

    Computational Fluid Dynamics
    Flow Induced Vibration
    Industrial Applications and Turbomachinery
    Instrumentation and Experiments
    Multiphase Flow
    Rheology and Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics
    Theoretical and Analytical Modeling

Fracture, Fatigue, and Structural Integrity
Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration
Materials and Manufacturing Engineering

    Additive Manufacture
    Materials Characterization and Processing
    Metallurgical Processes
    Processes with Material Removal
    Project and Management
    Union and Assembly Processes

Mechatronics and Automation

    Artificial Intelligent Applications
    Computer Vision
    Control Systems
    Fluid Power Systems
    Industrial Informatics, Discrete and Hybrid Systems
    Robotics, Sensors & Actuators

Nano and Microfluidic and Micro-Systems

    Heat and Mass Transfer in Micro and Nano scales
    Micro and Nanofabrication
    Micro and Nanofluidics

Nonlinear Phenomena

    Analytical and Numerical Methods in Nonlinear Phenomena
    Applications of Nonlinear Systems in Engineering
    Bifurcation Analysis in Nonlinear Systems
    Chaos and its Applications
    Complex Systems in Engineering
    Dynamic of Collective Behavior
    Experimental Methods in Nonlinear Phenomena
    Identification of Nonlinear Systems
    Inverse Problems in Nonlinear Phenomena
    Multi-scale Phenomena in Engineering
    Nonlinear Control
    Nonlinear Mechanics
    Stochastic Methods for Nonlinear Systems
    Synchronization and Complex Networks

Nuclear Engineering
Offshore and Petroleum Engineering
Piping and Pressure Vessels
Product Engineering
Smart Materials and Structures

    Active and Passive Structures
    Bioinspired Systems
    Constitutive Modeling
    Energy Harvesting
    Magnetic Materials
    Nonlinear Dynamics of Smart Systems
    Piezoelectric Materials
    Sensors and Actuators
    Shape Memory Alloys
    Smart Systems
    Structural Health Monitoring

Solid Mechanics

    Composite Materials and Structures
    Constitutive Models
    Elasticity, Plasticity, Damage and Fracture Mechanics: Models, Experiments and Applications
    Failure Criteria
    Fatigue and Failure Analyses
    Impact Engineering
    Nonlinear Analyses: Buckling, Post-Buckling and Contact Analyses
    Numerical Methods: FEM, XFEM, GFEM, BEM and other methods
    Optimization of Materials, Fluids and Structures
    Structural Reliability Methods and Reliability-Based Design Optimization
    Structural Statics
    Viscoelasticity and Viscoplasticity: Models, Experiments and Applications
    Wave Propagation

Uncertainty Quantification And Stochastic Modeling
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-03-28
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aIEEE Transactions on Software Engineering6.500IEEE0098-5589