Conference Information
IINTEC 2018: IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things, Embedded Systems and Communications
Submission Date:
2018-11-07 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Hammamet, Tunisia
Viewed: 8683   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers

This conference aims at bringing together leading researchers from both academia and industry to identify the fundamental challenges and future prospects of IoT, Embedded Systems and Communications, show case their work, and obtain feedback. It serves as a forum for the sensing network research communities working on embedded computing and communications to discuss open issues, novel solutions, and the future development. We encourage contributions describing innovative work in the realms of Internet of things & Big Data Analytics, Computer Systems, Communications and Security issues and all related disciplines.

The conference seeks original contributions that address the following topics, but not limited to:

Track I: IoT, Smart Cities & Big Data Analytics

    Internet of Things
    IoT Application and Services
    IoT Mobility, localization, tracking & security
    Wireless ad hoc and sensor networks
    Wireless Body Area Network and Wireless Health
    Health and medical wireless applications
    E-health applications and services
    Smart grids
    Smart City Technology and Applications
    Smart city theory, modeling and simulation
    Smart Transportation and Infrastructure
    Smart home and smart buildings
    Smart Energy & Energy-efficient networks
    Biomedical and Healthcare Informatics
    Interaction between Vehicles and the Environment
    Intelligent vehicle-to-infrastructure integration
    Transportation Infrastructure Sensing
    Big Data Mining and Analytics
    Big Data Processing and Querying
    Intelligent infrastructure

Track II: High Speed Communications Systems

    Cognitive radio: trends and technology
    Adaptive and Cooperative communications
    Radar Communications
    Wireless Communications
    Next-Generation Networking and Internet
    OFDM communications
    4G, 5G trends and developments
    Multi-Antenna and MIMO Systems
    Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation
    Antenna Design, Modeling & measurements
    Microwave Communications Systems
    Network Quality, Reliability and Performance Evaluation
    Power line communication
    Quality and Reliability Implications of Network Evolution
    Cross-layer design for mobile and wireless networks
    Optical free space analogue and digital communications
    Design, Control and Management of Optical Networks
    New Architectures for Optical Routers and Switches
    Optical Access Networks
    Hybrid Optical-Wireless Networks
    Next Generation Optical Networking
    Satellite and Space Communications
    Satellite-based solutions for aeronautical, maritime Applications
    Satellite-aided navigation systems, positioning and timing
    Satellite-based sensors network
    Next generation mobile, broadband and broadcast satellite systems
    Multiple Access techniques for satellite communications
    Quality Aspects of Emerging Technologies and Services
    Compressed sensing for satellite applications
    Multimedia Networking
    Integration between satellite, MANET, VANET and WSN
    Multimedia Services and Applications over Emerging Networks

Track III: Embedded Systems and Real Time Computing

    Real-Time & Multi-Core Embedded Systems
    Computer architectures
    Embedded Systems and Design Methods for Cyber-Physical Systems
    Programming Languages and Run-Time Systems
    Green computing
    Systems on chip
    High-performance computing
    Mobile computing
    Performance evaluation
    Parallel architectures and computational models
    Grid computing
    OS and middleware for mobile computing
    Hardware and software co-design
    Cloud management
    Operating Systems and Scheduling
    Embedded Software and Compilers
    Power/Thermal Aware Design Issues
    Fault Tolerance and Security
    Fuzzy systems and fuzzy logic

Track IV: Information Security

    Computer and communication security
    Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor Network Security
    Multimedia security ,Operating system security, Peer-to-peer security
    Applied cryptography, Cryptanalysis, Digital Signatures
    Virtualization, VoIP & Web security
    Security modeling, tools & simulation
    Mobile and wireless security
    Information systems security
    Security of personal area networks
    Security of Wi-Fi and WiMAX systems
    Security in Media Processing and Communications
    Biometric security
    Cryptography and cryptanalysis
    Quantum cryptography
    Intrusion detection systems
    Authentication and access control
    Cyber Physical Systems
    Privacy and data protection
    User & location privacy
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-11-04
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