ICACCP 2019: International Conference on Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms
Sikkim, India
閲覧: 8709   追跡: 0   出席: 0

The conference calls for papers covering a wide range of topics in advanced computation and communications, along with papers for special tracks (Not limited to):

Track-I: Advanced Computational Paradigms: 
Track-II: Networking and Data Communications:
Track-III: Cyber Security and Data Forensics: Submit
Track-IV: Signal Processing and Communication Engineering:
Track-V: Computer Vision and Image Processing:
Track-VI: Computational Intelligence:
Track-VII: Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning:
Track-VIII: Industrial Applications:
Track-IX: Electrical and Electronics Devices and Power Systems:

In addition, the conference features nine (09) special sessions under:

Special Track-I: Computational Neurosciences, Cognition, Bio-Medical Engineering and Biotechnology: 
Special Track-II: Human Computer Interaction, Mechatronics and Robotics: 
Special Track-III: Internet of Things (IoT) and Block-chain: 
Special Track-IV: Next Generation Computing and Communication: 
Special Track-V: Big-Data Analytics and Social Networking: 
 Special Track-VI: Material Science and Nano Technology: 
Special Track-VII: Graph, Geometric Algorithms and Applications: 
Special Track-VIII: Geophysical Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System: 
Special Track-IX: Machine Learning Paradigms for Text Analysis and Bio-Signal Processing: 
最終更新 Dou Sun 2018-07-29
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CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
aInformation and Computation0.800Elsevier0890-5401
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage2.400ACM1556-4673
cIEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management4.700IEEE1932-4537
Personalized Medicine UniverseElsevier2186-4950
cIET Communications1.500IET1751-8628
cApplied Intelligence3.400Springer0924-669X
Journal of Information Science and Engineering1.100Institute of Information Science0000-0000
Computers & Geosciences4.200Elsevier0098-3004
cInternational Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems3.200IGI Global1552-6283
Applied Artificial Intelligence Taylor & Francis0883-9514
完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社
Information and Computation0.800Elsevier
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage2.400ACM
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management4.700IEEE
Personalized Medicine UniverseElsevier
IET Communications1.500IET
Applied Intelligence3.400Springer
Journal of Information Science and Engineering1.100Institute of Information Science
Computers & Geosciences4.200Elsevier
International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems3.200IGI Global
Applied Artificial Intelligence Taylor & Francis