Conference Information
VizSec 2018: IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security Date: |
2018-07-22 Extended |
Notification Date: |
2018-08-15 |
Conference Date: |
2018-10-22 |
Location: |
Berlin, Germany |
Years: |
15 |
Viewed: 8825 Tracked: 0 Attend: 0
Call For Papers
The 15th IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec) brings together researchers and practitioners from academia, government, and industry to address the needs of the cyber security community through new and insightful visualization and analysis techniques. VizSec provides an excellent venue for fostering greater exchange and new collaborations on a broad range of security- and privacy-related topics. VizSec will be held in Berlin, Germany in conjunction with IEEE VIS, on Monday, October 22nd, 2018. VizSec explores effective and scalable visual interfaces for security domains such as network security, computer forensics, reverse engineering, insider threat detection, cryptography, privacy, user assisted attacks prevention, compliance management, wireless security, secure coding, and penetration testing. VizSec solicits both full and short papers, both of which will be published in the proceedings that will be published by IEEE. Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their papers will be presented at the conference. Technical Papers Full papers describing novel contributions in security visualization are solicited. Papers may present techniques, applications, theory, analysis, experiments, or evaluations. We encourage the submission of papers on technologies and methods that improve cyber security practices, including, but not limited to: Situation awareness and/or understanding Incident handling including triage, exploration, correlation, and response Computer forensics Recording and reporting results of investigations Assisting proactive security configuration and deployment Reverse engineering and malware analysis Vulnerability management Multiple data source analysis Analyzing information requirements for computer network defense Evaluation and/or user testing of VizSec systems Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of cyber security visualizations (whether from a security goal perspective or a human factors perspective) Modeling system and network behavior Modeling attacker and defender behavior Studying risk and impact of cyber attacks Predicting future attacks or targets Security metrics and education Software security Mobile application security Social networking privacy and security When applicable, visualization and interaction techniques that effectively capture the insights of human analysts and/or allow analysts to collaborate efficiently are particularly desirable. Submissions including tests and evaluations of existing tools and techniques are also considered particularly desirable. If possible, making the data used for the tests available will also be considered positively. If you do not have real-world data to demonstrate your visualization, you may be interested in looking at the VizSec Data Sets page. Short Papers Short papers describing practical applications of security visualization are solicited. We encourage the submission of papers discussing the introduction of cyber security visualizations into operational context, including, but not limited to: Cases where visualization made positive contributions towards meeting operational needs Gaps or negative outcomes from visualization deployments Situations where visualization was not utilized, but could have had a positive impact Lessons learned from operational engagements Insights gained from the transition process Cyber security practitioners from industry, as well as the research community, are encouraged to submit case studies. Posters Poster submissions may showcase late-breaking results, work in progress, preliminary results, or visual representations relevant to the VizSec community. The poster program will be a great opportunity for the authors to interact with the attendees and solicit feedback. Accepted poster abstracts will be made available on the VizSec website. Awards There will be an award for the best paper from the accepted program. This award will be given to the paper judged to have the highest overall quality as determined by the program committee. Key elements of the selection process include whether papers include evaluation, repeatable results, and open-source data or software. Both full and short papers are eligible. Thanks to the generous support of Two Six Labs, the best paper awardee will receive a $100 Amazon gift card!
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-07-15
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