Conference Information
ADHOCNETS 2021: EAI International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks
Submission Date:
2021-07-10 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Sydney, Australia
Viewed: 8227   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
EAI ADHOCNETS 2021 will be held as a fully-fledged online conference (with an on-site possibility).

In 2020, EAI successfully launched an online conference format to ensure the safety, comfort and quality of experience for attendees and a successful course of the events, all while retaining fully live interaction, publication and indexing. Due to the unrelenting global pandemic, this will also be the case in 2021.

Although we will miss having everyone meet and connect in person, we feel strongly that knowledge exchange must continue, if not more so. That is why we have equipped our online conferences with live viewing with chat, virtual Q&A, and a multitude of other measures to provide you with a great experience. Learn more about EAI’s online conferences.

If the situation allows it, the event will take place in its original location with an option to present remotely. In any case, all matters related to publication and indexing will remain unchanged.


The annual International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks (AdHocNets) focuses on ad hoc networking technologies and their applications. An ad hoc network is a wireless system, in which mobile or static nodes are connected using wireless links and cooperate to self-organize into a network without the requirement for any infrastructure such as access points or base stations. In recent years, ad hoc networks have been attracting increased attention from the research and engineering communities.

The distributed and multi-hop nature of ad hoc networking as well as the highly dynamic topology of an ad hoc network due to node mobility has introduced many formidable challenges such as scalability, quality of service, reliability and security, and energy-constrained operations for the network. Ad hoc networking covers a variety of network paradigms including mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), wireless sensor networks (WSNs), vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), airborne networks, underwater networks, underground networks, personal area networks, and home networks, etc. It promises a wide range of applications in civilian, commercial, and military areas.

The aim of the annual AdHocNets conference is to provide a forum that brings together researchers and engineers from academia, government laboratories as well as industry to meet, network, exchange ideas and present their recent research work, and discuss future directions on all aspects of ad hoc networks. Following the success of ADHOCNETS’09-20, the 13th edition of the event, ADHOCNETS 2021, will be held virtually. The conference will consist of keynote speeches, invited talks, and technical sessions.


The conference solicits original technical papers that were not previously published and are not currently under review for publication elsewhere. Papers should address technical challenges in any type of ad-hoc networks. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Mobile ad hoc networks (MANET)
Vehicle ad hoc networks (VANET)
Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) networks
Wireless sensor networks
Airborne networks
Underwater networks
Underground networks
Personal area networks
Body area networks
Home networks
Internet of Things (IoT)
Network architectural and protocol design
MAC, routing, and transport protocols
Resource allocation and management
Network control and management
Power control and management
Topology control and management
Quality of service (QoS) provisioning
Service discovery
Ranging and node localization
Time synchronization
Data aggregation
Network scalability and capacity
Reliability and fault tolerance
Security and privacy
Low-power wide-area IoT networking
Massive machine connections for IoT
Middleware for ad hoc networks
Cross-layer design for ad hoc networks
Software-defined networking for ad hoc networks
Network function virtualization for ad hoc networks
Edge/fog/cloud computing for ad hoc networks
Machine learning (or AI) for ad hoc networks
Performance modeling and analysis for ad hoc networks
Tools to design, implement, and evaluate ad hoc network protocols
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2021-07-01
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